New in IA

I am on my 2nd weekend and they are the hardest without the support of my friends from work who are also trying to drop. I am 35, married with three kids (17, 14, and 6), a full time student, and also work full time in Publishing. I am currently at 213ish and started at 218. the heaviest I have ever been is 220 before giving birth to my youngest. I want to drop to get health and feel better about myself but I don't think I am going to be able to do it without support.


  • syncynlyn
    syncynlyn Posts: 39
    You can do this. Starting is the hardest part and you've already done that! I have been on this site for a few months and now look at food and think about how many calories/sugars/carbs per serving and how does it fit into my calorie goal for the day. I stay away from a lot of processed foods and have switched to whole grains and added more fish to my diet. I love this site and how encouraging everyone one is.
  • quirkyjennio
    quirkyjennio Posts: 2 Member
    Yay! I've never actually friended anyone on here since I mostly just use MFP to track my meals, but I love supporting people in their fitness goals -- if you ever feel discouraged, Worthington is cheering you on! :)