What is your zero calorie treat?

I'm putting this in Motivation and Support because I'm hoping this suggestion/question will encourage some of you to do the same. I am a bit of a boredom eater and perhaps if I were doing everything I should be (like cleaning my house more than I do, or walking more) I wouldn't have as much free time as I do. But...until that day comes, here are some thing I like to do that let me use my creativity, keep my hands busy or occupy my mind:

1. Manicures, pedicures, nail art. I love nail art...I like to sit and do my nails while watching t.v. because it keeps me from snacking and I find that doing something a little more complicated takes more time and energy than plain polish. It's really easy, you don't need a lot of special things (though you can go there if you like) and taking care of yourself feels good! For ideas, check out cutepolish on youtube.

2. Scrapbooking. I haven't started yet, but I have supplies and pictures that are dying to be used. I know so many people who will sit and scrapbook for hours...and while they take breaks and still eat, I've never seen someone eat and scrapbook at the same time (no one wants food on their photos or their special expensive paper!).

3. Making jewelry. It's actually pretty simple....most craft stores sell the fixings to make your own jewelry at home. You can make hundreds of earrings with just a pair of pliers, earring hooks, pins and beads. There are many tutorials online, and some stores even keep hand out sheets with directions and lists of what you will need to create something. Depending on what you use, this can be fun, and pretty.

So, there's 3 things I like to do to keep me from munching. What do you like to do?


  • rowenaaitken
    rowenaaitken Posts: 48 Member
    I think those are all good suggestions! My issue is i'm normally on my pc for work and pleasure so that's when I will snack. I do find going for walks helps a lot, especially with the exercise. I do totally need to get something else on the go too!