I need motivation and ADVICE



  • wesellee
    wesellee Posts: 23 Member
    log it and you wont be so quick to binge knowing you have to log lol
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    I have been working on this for the past two months (and off on for the past few years). The one thing I have learned about myself is that I can NOT deprive myself of the things I want and crave, because I just set myself up for failure. I am working out everyday and 4-5 days a week pretty vigorously. I know the days I am going to eat more or be tempted.....I work out more to compensate.

    You need to go ahead and log everything your eating so you can be more aware of the cycles of your eating and maybe can break them. I pack my lunch every morning with my healthy snacks for the day.

    If you love snickers.....the snickers marathon bars. They are actually pretty tasty and much better for you than a snicker at about the same cost.

    Good Luck to you!
  • erin_zuk
    erin_zuk Posts: 226 Member
    you're not eating enough in the morning for breakfast/lunch.
    "saving" all your calories for eating in the evening means that you're starving yourself and then you get so hungry and binge before dinner.

    instead of eating small meals at breakfast and lunch, try to spread your meals into equal portions 5-6 times throughout the day - eat 250 cals at breakfast, another 200 for a snack, another 250-300 at lunch and then another 200 as an afternoon snack.
    try this for a week and see if it helps beat the cravings in the afternoon.
  • Abednos
    Abednos Posts: 20 Member
    I really appreciate every single reply. Thank you so much and i will try to do them because as I can see you are all successful and have done really well.

    Thank you !!
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    I think possibly you need a midafternoon snack. I usually eat something worth about 200 calories midday. Maybe an apple and some almonds or a small protein bar. If I don't by supper I'm ravenous and i don't eat what I should eat. I also make sure my food is easy to prepare for supper. Quite often i cook a lot extra on Sunday night and we eat left overs for dinner. It's just me and my husband. I really find the key is not letting yourself get hungry. Smaller more frequent meals.
  • Abednos
    Abednos Posts: 20 Member
    Alwaysnancy, Thank you. I think this might be a good idea actually.

    I will now go to change my meals plan to: Breakfast, Lunch, Snack and Dinner. Something like: 400,300,200, 300-400. Do you think it is okay? Is it too many calories if I want to lose 30 pounds?
  • xcrunnergirl13
    xcrunnergirl13 Posts: 67 Member
    If you know that you love an afternoon snickers there might not be anything wrong with that. Just plan it beforehand into your calorie allowance for the day and enjoy it as your little reward for a good day, not as a defeat.