What to eat to get to net

What do you eat to get to your net? I'm trying to eat a healthier diet and not eat a lot of junk. On that note. I don't eat as clean as some of you. I'm not going to deprive myself. All things in moderation I say. But, when you have a big deficit towards the end of the day, what do you eat to get nearer your net? For example, today I was about 700 calories short and didn't want to resort to eating junk. Had a big glass of skim milk and peanut butter. So, what do you eat?


  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    I try to eat healthy most of the time so I when I gave a deficit (which really isn't often) I use this as a time to treat myself. However your post has got me thinking. Since starting Mfp I've rediscovered nuts (in moderation) and fruit smoothies. Both can be healthy snacks which bump up the calories. Also I find I'm not eating much pasta anymore because it often has too many calories so I treat myself to a pasta meal when the rest of the day as been light in calories. Hope this helps.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Nuts....Any kind...I just eat the plain peanuts though....Nuts are high in calories but have lots of the good fats, so that will def help you get to your net calorie goal...This is what I do when I am low on cals b/c a handful is dense in calories....HTH!!
  • lolcatftw
    lolcatftw Posts: 36
    Beef jerky, turkey jerky, pistachios, peanuts, rice cakes, pbj sandwiches, smoothies, juices, apple sauce