Low calorie drinks?

I have been cutting down on my soft drink intake lately and I can't find anything to really replace it that is low calorie. I love fruit juice but it is so high in calories! Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to drink that is low cal but also yummy? I don't like drinking water very much and it's just not the same as juice or soft drink.

Thanks :D


  • Carolstone1959
    Carolstone1959 Posts: 40 Member
    I have the same problem with drinking water!

    My favorite low calorie drink is Jasmine Green Tea watered way down and with a few drops of NuNaturals (non alcohol) liquid stevia.

    I'll make a pot of tea in the morning and let it sit on the counter all day. To a tall glass I add a bit of sweetener, water to about half or 3/4 full and top up with the tea. You can tweak the ratio to your taste -start with half and half. Sometimes I skip the sweetener too. You can also make the tea and mix up a whole batch right away so it's ready to go. Pop in the fridge if you want it chilled...

    This works well with ANY tea. It's good warm in cold weather but most of the time I drink it room temp or iced.

    I'm thinking about making my own infusions with lavender, mint, lemon and rosemary. Has anyone tried this?
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    6 years ago I drank regular soda, 3-12 cans a day probably. When I started getting healthy that time I moved to Gatorade and diet soda. I eventually cut out soda all together and just had like Apple juice, V8 splash, gatorade, and some water thought rarely. I had no desire for water and all the years growing up made me want a flavored drink with food. I eventually got with a girl that led to bad life decisions and returned to being unhealthy.

    A year ago I still really didn't drink that much soda, but it was usually diet. I occasionally drank some water, but wasn't a huge fan. I also used flavored water when possible. That occurred up until about 4 months ago when I switched into a lot of water and then soon after cut all soda . I used some flavored water, but now the hassle isn't even worth it.

    I am 27 years old, water a year ago was a hassle and frustrating to think of drinking with a meal. Today, I crave water regularly and drink a gallon+ a day. I occasionally drink a diet soda but not too often. You will be SHOCKED at how dehydrated your current drinking habit has you, I still cannot believe have much I want water now. I have never felt this good, even when I was 50 lbs lighter and 5 years younger.
  • JmeJinxx
    JmeJinxx Posts: 210 Member
    I know a lot of folks are anti-diet soda, but at walmart there's this cherry limeade flavored..soda? It's 0 calories and so freaking good. I've been craving some lately, haven't had it for a while. Really tasty, and I'm picky over diety aftertastes. Under $1 for a 2L bottle too.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi is 0 calories and only 35 mg of sodium a can. And it tastes better to me than any regular soda.
  • riadastfu
    riadastfu Posts: 69
    I heard Crystal Light is a good replacement.

    Or you could always do juice + fizzy water.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    I buy bottled water and then use the sugar free drink mixes from Wal Mart. I hate sugar free anything, but these taste like Kool Aid and Tang, so I use these all the time.
  • ericborchert
    ericborchert Posts: 28 Member
    I switched from Soda to Water back in '09 and saw a dramatic loss in weight. Like most drinking plain, unflavored water sucks so I get the walmart brand "Great Value" Fruit Punch, Cherry and Orange Early rise flavoring to add. they are only 5 calories each and come with Vitamin c and potassium and even better, they are SUGAR FREE. Bonus is they taste really good!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    If you like soda then why not drink seltzer? I LOVE seltzer because it gives me the soda fizz with no calories or crap. I am actually thinking of getting a seltzer maker because I buy so much of it.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    I was a Pepsi addict 7 mths ago. I stopped cold turkey when I started this lifestyle change. I discovered what I liked about soda drinking was really the carbonation. I get that with sparkling water. I get the bubbles with zero calories. The body is a very adaptable machine.
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    No more than 12 oz of soda per day if you absolutely have to get your fix. Other than that I do bottled water during the day; I keep it in my car so I remember to grab a bottle or two on my way into work. In the evenings I drink store brand Crystal Light pink lemonade which I water down and sometimes add lime juice to.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Walmart and K-Mart sell fizzy flavored water. Many varities such as raspberry, cherry, grape, orange, peach, strawberry, etc.
    It's like tricking yourself into thinking you are drinking soda. So, some people might not be a fan of these and most have added 'not natural' flavors but they are zero calories and *I* am ok with drinking these. I occasionally drink Diet Snapple too. Not entirely 100% natural but I like them.

    I also like the Crystal Light drink 'on the go' packets. I prefer the CL brand to the Walmart brand honestly. Each whole packet is 10 calories. I have a very large water bottle, 24oz, so I use the whole packet at once otherwise it's too weak. Too much in a small bottle might be too flavored. Use your own judgment.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Water with MiO. If you don't know what it is http://www.kraftbrands.com/mio/

    Love it!
  • nickmast78
    nickmast78 Posts: 65
    Mio. I drink Fat free milk with all of my meals and water with Mio all day in between. (except for exercising, plain water then). It tastes great and has 0 cals. I have never been a water drinker but since adding Mio. I drink 8+ cups a day no problem.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    I second the suggestion of seltzer. I also like to add a splash of lemon or lime juice to plain ice water.
  • CristlNothem
    CristlNothem Posts: 54 Member
    I make passion tea lemonade. Zero calories and cheap and it helps me get my water in.

    it is 3 packets of Tazo passion tea (i buy it at walmart) and i crystal light lemonade packet.
    just seep the tea bags in hot water for 15 mins, then pour in a 2 quart container, add the lemonade packet and pill it up the rest of the way with water. and chill

    I am obsessed with the passion tea lemonade from starbucks, but this is so much cheaper and zero calories compared to their 410/ 16 oz. for $3.50
  • jgwhite
    jgwhite Posts: 23
    Been drinking Ocean Spray Lite Ruby Red grapefruit juice. Dunno what's in it, but I pour 8 ounces over a big glass full of ice and it's very good and satisfying. 50 calories isn't too bad and it's really great after a workout or when you need a cold one.
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    MiO is the way to go. I love love love it.

    My favorite is Orange Tangerine, it tastes exactly like the HI-C orange drink from McDonald's and it's ZERO calories. I can't say enough about MiO.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I cut out soda so I drink green tea or flavor my water when I want more than just water. Snapple has a great diet drink called half and half, half lemonade half tea. It it good if you like that mixture. Diet tropical V8 splash is not bad at all either.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    What about fizzy water with some lemon?
  • preymd
    preymd Posts: 5
    I drink water with a water flavor such as Mio. Doesn't taste bad. Stay away from juices, they have as much calories as soda if not more. It's fine to drink them from time to time but you can't go wrong with water.