Umm...Embarrassing Question about...bowel movements...



  • rolyh
    rolyh Posts: 51 Member
    I do know that you should be "having a bowel movement" at least 4 times a day. As this is what I saw on good ole Dr. Oz and also what I have read is a healthy amount. It should also be squiggily like an "S" shape or a "C".

    Utter nonsense!

    I can see why you would say that, because it reads like every bowel movement is a crap - it is not. With Crohns, you learn when your bowels move, because then you must crap. But they do move independently of the need to go.
    If exercise brings it on, good-oh then.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Don't be embarrassed!! Everybody poops!! If there's one thing that everyone in the world understands, it's poops. Young and old, rich and poor, all cultures, languages and people - We all poop!!!

    To answer you're question - That totally happened to me when I started working out! I had the biggest poops ever! I was like WHAAAAAAAT??? I even posted a blog post about it.

    I think basically when you're working out, your entire system is working more effectively? So pooping gets more... efficient? Or something? I dunno, but hey I experienced the same thing. So no worries, I say. Better out than in!!! :P

    Edited to add: Ooooooo a Poo Tracker App??? I want one!!! :D

    Edited to add: As far as what people saying about "how many times to poo a day which is considered healthy" - I think that everyone's body is different and processes the food you eat at a different pace. As long as your tummy/lower intestines aren't really feeling messed up, you're probably just fine. Personally, I've been feeling better in general since I started working out. I feel like the whole process of food in, digestion, synthesis of nutrients, waste out, has just become more efficient. Hence the bigger and more satisfying poops. *shrug*
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    3 times a day is healthy. Water will make you have a bowel movement.

    From, which is a website from medical professionals

    Myth: An absence of daily bowel movements indicates constipation.
    Fact: Constipation is most accurately defined as the infrequent or difficult passing of stool. Normal bowel movement frequency in adults can range from three times a day to three times a week.

    To answer the OP's question, when I first started on my fitness routine a year ago, I'd have to stop half way through my treadmill session to hit the loo. I must be used to it now, because I don't do that anymore. I think it's pretty normal, what you are experiencing.

    3 times a day is healthy.

    The only time in my life I have ever gone three times a day is when I was sick with food poisoning or some similar situation.

    The frequency of "normal" bowel movements varies from person to person.

    Normal and healthy are two different things.
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    I've found since reducing my intake I'm not going as often although my stats are always over in fiber.

    Same here. I usually go once, and it is often long and curvy, sometimes twice, and occasionally I skip a day. Getting plenty of fiber from fibrous veggies and whole grains. I'm not concerned. If I go three times, then I think something is going on, not that I'm especially healthy that day. I remember when I was taking Health class in high school a thousand years ago the teacher told us we should be pooping 4 times a day. I don't think I know anyone who does. That would really be annoying as I hate pooping at happens but I'd much rather do that at home.
  • indy_jh
    indy_jh Posts: 20
    I'm not an expert in the subject, but I work at a big medical lab, and the topic comes up a lot -- especially in the parasitology lab.

    Anyway, pooping "too often" is a relative situation. Some people have relatively hyperactive bowels and go 4-8 times a day and have no allergies nor do they have eating/digestive disorders that are detectable or in need to treatment. Likewise, getting your body moving and getting your bowels moving seem to go hand in hand.

    A friend of mine does triathlons, and I run long distances (generally half marathons). We both routiinely hit a point where we just gotta go. For me, if I eat too much BREAD, it seems to make me go more often. Likewise, anything that creates gas is not my friend. But, if I control my diet, I can keep it under control. My friend claims that COLD WATER (oddly enough) gets him going. So, he drinks warm water when he does the long work-outs and competes.

    There are other issues, like Crohn's, IBS, etc. However, I have been told that if you don't have chronic diarrhea, don't worry about needing to go when you work out. It's normal.
  • debbieHOC
    debbieHOC Posts: 56 Member
    Having more bowel movements is not only normal but good. It shows that your system is working better.
  • beccafreak
    beccafreak Posts: 45
    Thank you so much everyone. I actually learned a lot from your posts and that's exactly what I needed! I am currently undergoing tests for possible Crohn's disease, but this was just so unlike anything I'd ever had...And I know everyone poos but I'm always so embarrassed by myself doing it. I can't even go into a public bathroom and do it, lol! And this is something to remember for later use as I want to run a 5k soon. So thank you very much, you have no idea how much I appreciate all of your answers and your care as well :)