Is my Mum trying to sabotage my weight loss???



  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Help you mom, cook with her and then clean dishes and kitchen
    Ask her to let you cook some meal.
    You know what she likes to eat, find a healhty version recipe and cook together.

    My mom thinks food as reward so when she likes you , she will give your junk food.
    Your mom probably was raised the same way.
  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    It's funny, my mom was always the same way. My grandmother especially. She sits there and tells me I need to lose weight because I am unhealthy, then proceeds to shove a cookie down my throat. I just tell them that if they want me to be healthy, then to leave me the heck alone. That says a lot because my family is very IN YOUR BUSINESS about everything, even down to what color socks you have on. I totally sympathize. The only thing you can do at this point is bid your time and try to get the healthy stuff in when possible if she doesn't let you cook or eat on your own.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    WARNING!! This isn't going to be very nice. I'm not trying to offend.

    My thoughts.

    1. I think you're right. I think you Mum is sabotaging your progress. This is not uncommon for those closest to us to throw road blocks in our way. They think they're doing something nice.

    2. You're an adult. You can make your own food choices and prepare your own meals. Yes cooking sucks. Personally, I hate it. It may be uncomfortable at first, eating differently then the rest of the family. But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. You have the choice to eat what is given to you. You're Mum isn't forcing that stuff down your throat. You have some responsibility in to too.

    Well said and I'm not trying to be ugly either.

    3. Take control of this. Sit down with your Mum and talk to her about this. Pick a time when she's not busy. Use a lot of feeling words. Be respectful of her views. DON'T ACCUSE HER!! "Mum I've been working really hard at getting healthier, this is something that is very important to me.
    And I need your support." Something like that.

    Again I'm sorry if this was rude. I in no way meant to be mean or hurtful. This is just my opinion.
  • Back2Basic
    Back2Basic Posts: 69 Member
    I hope that your mother isn't intentionally sabatoging you, but even if it's unconcsious, it's making it hard on you. You're old enough to make your own meals. Even if you can't move out. Try 1. Offering to help your mum out by cooking dinner a couple times a week. 2 If that doesn't work, just tell your family that you love them, but you're trying to diet and will cook your own meals so as to not "force the gross, plain food on them"
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    I primarily live at school so this is not an issue for me. Before i go home my mom always asks me what food she should get. i just tell her not to get me anything because im sticking to healthy food. Just tell her ! its not that hard. Then again I may be spoiled because the difference between what i eat and what my family eats is minimal. They eat whole wheat pasta with grilled chicken and tomato sauce, and I eat the chicken and tomato sauce. They add honey and maple syrup to their oatmeal, tea etc. and i dont.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Alrighty...I'm 25 years old...I finally got sick and tired of eating crap. I still live with my parents as well. When I finally got sick of it, I went grocery shopping for myself. I buy my own food now. So, I eat what I want because I bought it. Granted, my mother is like oh you can a few of these aka cookies and I'm like "uh no mom, 3 cookies are 240 calories..." I don't necessary care what they try to get me to eat. I know how many calories are in it and if I don't, I'll look it up. You just need to tell her you are watching what you are eating. My mother has been very supportive of me losing weight so that's a plus for me. I've changed up my lifestyle and she recognized that and tries to do the same.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    WARNING!! This isn't going to be very nice. I'm not trying to offend.

    My thoughts.

    1. I think you're right. I think you Mum is sabotaging your progress. This is not uncommon for those closest to us to throw road blocks in our way. They think they're doing something nice.

    2. You're an adult. You can make your own food choices and prepare your own meals. Yes cooking sucks. Personally, I hate it. It may be uncomfortable at first, eating differently then the rest of the family. But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. You have the choice to eat what is given to you. You're Mum isn't forcing that stuff down your throat. You have some responsibility in to too.

    Well said and I'm not trying to be ugly either.

    3. Take control of this. Sit down with your Mum and talk to her about this. Pick a time when she's not busy. Use a lot of feeling words. Be respectful of her views. DON'T ACCUSE HER!! "Mum I've been working really hard at getting healthier, this is something that is very important to me.
    And I need your support." Something like that.

    Again I'm sorry if this was rude. I in no way meant to be mean or hurtful. This is just my opinion.

    I totally agree. I don't think it was "ugly" either. You definately have to talk to your mum
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I've moved back in with my parents for a year and I pay $150 per week in board. This money goes towards the food I want.

    Are you able to use your board money in the same way? :)
  • frankiesats
    frankiesats Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 20 years old, work a crap job, spend 4 hours commuting a day and still manage to make all of my own meals, do my own food shopping and go to the gym.

    There is no reason why you can't do it to. I spend no more than £20 on food a week - just go for the cheap 'savers' options. :)
  • swt0pie
    swt0pie Posts: 366 Member
    my mum used to be like that..sometimes I think she's jealous because now I'm skinnier than her. Last weekend she told me I don't have a nice figure any more and that I lost all the curves. however I don't let her get to me because I don't want to be fat again.
  • boe2004
    boe2004 Posts: 21
    Wow, alot of people with good solid advice.

    I feel sorry for you to have to go through this at 24 years of age. You can understand a mother telling her child, but not a 24 year old adult. Your mother (dont take offence) sounds like a bit of a food bully and control freak. The problem sounds like it lyes with your mum. If she is looking at your figure out of the corner of her eye and you think shes jealous then that is a feeling in her you are not going to change because it is a deep rooted problem. Maybe she is threatened by your looks and youth. Remember you are a fresher version of her coming up quick on her heels and she probably doesn't like it that much and finds it hard to keep up with. You need to be a strong young woman and stand up for yourself. She has her own views on food, as do you and everyone else, but at 24 you should be making your own choices?

    Are you afraid of offending her? She dosen't seem to take your opinions about food into consideration and that's not right. She also probably sees that as long as your under her roof, you do what she says, and that's that. You have 3 choices here. Either, shut up and take it (sorry to be blunt)or, tell her to back off and leave you alone (nicely of course), or get out of there! Flat share or something. Yes its hard (emotionally, fiancially and economically) but you have to get your butt out there sometime. This cud be the nudge you need.

    Either way, you've great advice on any one of these post. Good luck!!