
Hello everyone!
Well where do I start. Well I guess a quick background will help hahah. As a kid I always was a bit chunky but no where near obese. I was always athletic. I really enjoyed sports growing up. As I started getting older, (the cruelties of middle/high school) I began to realise I did not weigh my ideal weight. Being 164 at 13 is never fun to face. I eventually learned to deal with my pain by joining JROTC. They forced me to regain my self confidence and made me comfortable with who I was. I always did PT. I ran with the boys. I did swimming for many years, eventually becoming swim captain. My problem is though,now at 19 I am still 164 pounds. I never understood why I never lost a pound. I did constant research on possible reasons on this. Theres the factor of my genetics, my father is a stocky guy, mother is petite. So that doesnt do much for me. Calorie intake was a factor because I stoped drinking soda, and stayed away from common fatty foods. Another problem was I never was serious enough to start a real diet. I am quite comfortable with myself. I am able to run long distances with my wobbly self and kick many skinny peoples butt! I just want to loose this weight and go on with my life in a final round of victory. I am also thinking of joining the marines as an officer once I finish my collge. So with this goal in mind. I have been running almost every day. Any advise guys? I know my weight loss story is dumb but I am very serious about it. Let me know what u think :)


  • Bella151
    Bella151 Posts: 123
    Hey Tachina!

    First off- your weight loss story IS NOT DUMB! I think it is great that you are very fit, regardless of what the stupid scale says. Remember- muscle weighs more than fat, and there are plenty of skinny people out there, with no muscle, and more fat then they need. The fact that you do workout and you are conscience of what you eat, is a plus. I have never been stick thin either, and as a crosscountry and track runner, I have always been in shape too. Even more so now that I am in the military. I find that running is great for your cardiovascular fitness, and can help burn up fat, but the best way to really kick start your metabolism is to incorporate strength training as well. Do you do any strength training? Try lifting light- medium weight, but more repetitions. Strengthening your muscles will build more muscle- which burns more fat. At first you won't see a drop in the scale- it may even go up a little, but over time, you will notice the scale drop, because your muscles are burning up your fat (and muscle is more lean than fat, so you won't bulk up either, as long as your eating clean). I am doing P90X right now, and I am seeing great results from that, plus I run as well. Maybe you should give it a try. If not, you can always purchase some bands/ weights, and workout at home, or if you have a gym, there are plenty of machines and free weights there too. Oh, by the way, I think it is awesome you want to join the Marines- and officer is the way to go, lol, trust me I wish I would have went that route.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever. You will love this site if you don't already. I :heart: it here. This site is so motivational, helpful, supportive, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: