Boyfriend dinner troubles...

kmjacobs93 Posts: 46 Member
Okay, so here's the deal, I am very new to this healthy eating thing, but I have to say I feel awesome! I need some ideas of what recipes to make for dinner, but the main issue is that my boyfriend doesn't eat! I want to make a delicious meal that's healthy for both of us!


  • smurphy39
    smurphy39 Posts: 2 Member
    Try a quick stir-fry with chicken or steak, brown rice and broccolli. Very quick and simple to make!

    Ive disliked vegetables my entire life, up until a new roommate moved in and forced me to eat them. However his trick was that he would cook the broccolli until it was much softer than usual and then cut them into small pieces. Now I order it with my meals at restaurants! I was lucky enough to have a person who is a very good cook introduce me to properly cooked vegetables that don't taste so bad!

    You'd only be looking at around a 450-500 calorie meal with just those few items before adding seasonings / sauces!

    Here's a website with the receipe for beef/brocc -- if you prefer poultry just substitute!
  • fight4wellness
    fight4wellness Posts: 4 Member
    My boyfriend eats veggies, but isn't looking to lose weight or get any healthier (he's at a healthy weight and fairly healthy lifestyle already). While I'm sure this isn't what you want to hear, we end up cooking different things each night. He makes his marinated chicken/beef, rice, and sauteed veggies of the day and I end up making something with more veggies and fewer calories. It isn't as much of a hassle as I thought it would be for the two of us to be making separate meals and we both end up happy.

    If you have to stick with making just one meal for whatever reason, be careful of cooking the veggies for too long. While they do tend to taste a bit less vegetable-y the longer they're cooked, this also strips away a lot of the nutrients you want from them in the first place. I'd suggest trying to win him over with squash/zucchini (my boyfriend eats it all the time now after not eating hardly any vegetables when I met him) or some sauteed bell peppers with onions. These have fairly mild flavors that can be spiced up with different seasonings.

    Good luck!
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    You need to introduce a eat vegetables for sex reward system.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    It's easy enough to make 2-3 veggies as side dishes, and he can choose to try some or not. You can eat more veggies and less of the main dish and other sides, and both will get what you want.
  • abetterjune
    abetterjune Posts: 219
    You need to introduce a eat vegetables for sex reward system.

    LMAO. Agreed.
  • I have been cooking a lot of the recipes from the Channel 4 website... there are some really yummy ones and not overly heavy on the veggies either!

    Sometimes I alter the recipes to make them lighter like taking out the oil and what not!
  • My friend has a similar problem. She loves eating veggies and healthy food, but her husband would rather eat McDonalds. Most nights, she prepares something a little different for him. I'd say, start cooking for yourself and have him try what you're making. Sooner or later, there's going to be something that he likes. Also, do you have access to a farmers market? I found that once I started buying straight-from-the-farm produce, I ate a lot more veggies because they taste so much better.

    If he's as stubborn as my friend's husband, it's unlikely that you'll be able to forcefully change his eating habits. Do what's best for you and hopefully he'll catch on. Don't let his bad eating habits knock you off track. Good luck!!
  • wayne46uk
    wayne46uk Posts: 6
    Dont put the veggies on his plate? You cant force this, my wife tried for years and it made me more resistant. it has to be his choice, maybe once he sees you with more energy etc, he'll want to join the party
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    My husband eats vegetables, but he's a lot pickier about them than I am. Usually for him I fill a plate with raw spinach and broccoli (his favorite) and put whatever protein I'm cooking on top of that (whether it be turkey burgers, chicken, or whatever). For myself, I usually eat what I've made with a small side of raw spinach or another sort of salad green, and then whatever other vegetables I want (tonight I'm making roasted beets...last night, it was baked asparagus). It's not quite like making two completely different meals, but we both get what we want vegetable-wise without it being terribly labor intensive. I actually kind of like doing it this way, b/c it's easy to throw raw spinach on a plate...and he keeps his paws off of my more-expensive produce (and I have extra to take to work with my lunch). Good luck to you! Certainly there is SOME kind of vegetable he likes...have you tried hiding spinach or kale in a fruit smoothie?
  • charlibean6
    charlibean6 Posts: 1 Member
    My DF is not very good with eating his vegies too so I hide grated carrot & zucchini in as many dishes as I can. Celery & mushrooms cut finely is another good option.
  • cok the veggies seperatey and just add them to your meal. I like frozen veggies
  • sollyn
    sollyn Posts: 179
    It's easy enough to make 2-3 veggies as side dishes, and he can choose to try some or not. You can eat more veggies and less of the main dish and other sides, and both will get what you want.
    This is what I do. Mostly quickly stir fried at the last minute. Yummy!
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I used to be the one that hated veggies. Ugh.
    BUT now I have been exposed to vegetables that can be made to taste good! Try different types of salads. Add spices to vegetables! Maybe try fruit as well ... higher in calories than vegetables but it could be a start. "Sneak" vegetables into things too :p
  • melonerski
    melonerski Posts: 306 Member
    try i absolutely love it! i found this site last week and have already made the cheesy chicken stuffing, buffalo chicken pizza and the california quasadillas. my husband is so picky and so is my step daughter and they LOVED it! =D
  • jwelcker
    jwelcker Posts: 1
    Withholding sex, FTW!