New to MFP and need your help!!

Hi everyone, I'm new to this after being a weight watcher member for a long time! Decided to give this a go as I am not losing any weight on the new pro points plan. So I think I need a little help with this programme. I seem to be going over my sugar intake each day and below my calorie intake, I therefore need some snack suggestions that are high in calories but low in sugar? I understand that I need to eat all my calories per day and if I exercise do I also need to eat the extra in calories or can I just leave them as a bonus? Any help would be greatly received, thank you.


  • johnplil
    johnplil Posts: 10
    Hi Angie! Welcome to MFP. Snack suggestions? I highly recommend 'Pure Protein Bars'. They are very high in protein with very little sugar. My favorite is peanut butter with carmel surprise. Some protein bars carry a lot of sugar and carbs so be sure to read the label. As far as eating more because of your exercise bonus...I think your body craves more when you workout. Just try to stay aware of everything you eat. Try to eat clean foods with no added preservatives.
  • slick_fox
    slick_fox Posts: 85 Member
    I found out what worked my me was I used my calories wisely and not on snacks. I was on 1200 calories per day and if I had left over calories I ate more protein and/or quaker oaks. That filled satisfied me and filled me up.
  • YvonnePtm
    YvonnePtm Posts: 28
    Hi and welcome. I have also been trying to lose weight but I find this website great because you have to log your food intake everyday 9got to be honest though). You can't carry your calories over to the next day, or else you will be over your calorie intake and then put on weight.

    I have found that the best things to eat, which are fairly high in calories and low(er) in sugar is oats porridge, medium banana, mixed nuts and raisins. Try a few things out and you can keep track of it on your food log and then you can decide what you prefer and also will help you find out what calorific and sugar value of what you are eating.

    I have also found doing exercise helps and you get extra points for exercising which allows you to have a few more calories.

    Good luck. You can add me as a friend if you like.
  • cPT_Helice
    cPT_Helice Posts: 403
    Nuts, nut butters, eggs, cheese sticks, rice cakes, pasta, sweet potatoes, fat free Greek yogurt.....etc. I would try to eat as clean as possible and stick with whole foods - 1 ingredient is best. The less ingredients the better. Stay away from all the commercial bars and mixes.
  • angie73c
    angie73c Posts: 9
    Thank you all so far for your comments, I must admit I do like my biscuits and chocolate a little too much! Don't we all!!!!!!!! I was surprised at the amount of sugar in fruit! any more suggestions souls be great, tha is again all xx
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    Nuts are great. High in cals and good for you. It really depends on your body if you need to eat your workout cals back. If your body fat is high (and dont go by anything you find on the internet because the "tools" found cannot tell you your % go get that figured out by your gym or doctor) then you dont need to eat as much as someone with alot of muscle. I am 5'6.5'' and at 152 I was 33% and my BMR was 1185 (other sites said anywhere from 1300-1650). I found that if I eat 1300-1350 cals with cardio of 3 hours and weights for 3 hours I loose slow, but loose. I cannot eat my work out cals back. You have to adjust slow to see what works for you.