


  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    i've heard the body brushing works. It also makes your skin incredibly soft! I've never done it long enough to notice if it does improve cellulite, but it's worth a try.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Lifting weights definitely helps. See the links someone posted above. My cellulite has greatly reduced since I started lifting regularly!
  • gettingthinandfit
    Unfortunately the only long term solution is overall fat loss. Sucks right? But there are some creams that help reduce it, but as soon as you stop using them it comes back, but its worth using as your working on getting rid of fat. The best one out there I've used is Fat Girl Slim. But like I said, its short term :)
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    There is a product that is pretty cheep physical therapists use it on sports fanatics....It's called a sprinter stick...I think they cost like 30 or 40 bucks They help to detach those fat particles from the muscles so youll loose the lumpiness in your legs... its totally safe and It works really well I use it a lot and it's made a huge difference... They are kinda annoying though because you have to roll one area of your leg for 10 minutes and its difficult. You leg also will start to hurt a little and then itch like crazy because you are moving the fat tissue, and your arms get tired after a few minutes but it's totally worth it if you want to get rid of the cellulite. I would rub your legs or w/e w/ it every day for a week or 2 before you notice the changes!

    I was going to suggest this, or the foam roller - you get the benefits of the stretch, the torture of the tight stuff working itself out and I've seen an improvement of my cellulite as well. I'm pretty sure it's the change in my diet (I've eliminated all processed food, soda, and most sugar) and the foam roller.

    I also body brush and upped my water. I hope it all goes away soon!
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
  • lovetobethin86
    lovetobethin86 Posts: 202 Member
    No False it's genetics...

    Diet has nothing to do with this... Women have a thinner outer layer of skin and we carry a layer of fat on top of the muscle so it shows through our skin when we carry fat deposits un evenly Men don't have this genetic trait hence their annoying absence of cellulite... The appearance of cellulite can be reduced if you loose weight, or move the fat deposits ...But unfortunately where your body stores fat is based on you genetics and you cannot control that... Eating healthy may however make your skin look better but it's not going to change your cellulite...

    Cellulite is down to diet. That is why skinny people also have it. (genetics obviously play a role too) but I believe you can make it less visable. Eliminating processed foods and sugar, caffiene will reduce the appearance of it over time. and PLENTY of water.

    I'm lucky and never had a problem with it, however there was a time when my diet wern't so good (sugary foods) and I started to see some.
    I found hot yoga improved it massively (I'm not 100% if this is why but after going for 8 days straight it was barely visable)
    Rubbing oils into your skin helps to, everynight I massage oil (almond oil is really cheap) into my skin (mainly top of legs)
    Plently of water too.

    I'm no expert but i'm going by what works for me but again I have never had a major problem with getting cellulite.

    I agree, of course if you eat mcdonalds everyday, thats a different story. I'm vegan and eat very healthy and have cellulite, also had it at my lowest weight..
  • Frankie3333
    Frankie3333 Posts: 53 Member
    I am 5'5 and 169 lbs and have the same amount of cellulite as when I got down to 139 lbs. I do believe that more weight training in the lower region would help a little but it comes down to genetics. My mother was 5'7 and around 125 lbs. She was very active, walked almost every day, and had a healthy diet. That woman always had cellulite on her buns and thighs.

    Believe, if there is a true cure out there...I would be the 1st in line to get it. For now, I am trying to keep losing weight, improving my health, and start loving those muscular yet celly legs.