Can us bigger folk use P90X ?



  • twistofcain
    twistofcain Posts: 190
    Do it! My friend Bryan and his wife did it together. He weighed 275 when he started and she weighed 125, and he was able to keep up with her.

    Like others have stated, do it at the pace that you can handle.

    Also! another example, not sure if you are into sports, but Mike Golic of the Mike and Mike radio show did it as well, and I believe he was round 275 when he started and lost around 20 lbs when he was finished.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I just got the P90 and I am nervous about starting it. I have to work myself up for it I think.
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    i lost 30lbs previously doing p90x cardio, plyo and yoga..... i started then at 225 and lost 30lbs in 3 ish months, obviously not following the exact program.

    im starting it again tomorrow

    there are some great before and after vids on youtube x
  • You don't have to use a pull up bar. I can't do a single pull up. I just use the elastic bands and get the same results. However, if you decide you want to use the pull up bar, they have some that you don't have to "install" exactly. You just put it on a door frame and it stays there from tension and the design on the bar. My husband uses this type of bar.
    Also, I'm 5'2" and when I started, I weighed almost 210. I started with P90X. I had to take multiple breaks and I did the modifications but I was able to work my way up very quickly to being able to do the entire workout.
    I'm doing insanity now and it's harder to me than P90X (BTW, I've lost 16 pounds so far and feel AWESOME! I can RUN again!).
    You can do it. Don't get it into your mind that only fit people can do it. It will be hard at first, but losing weight and getting in shape isn't easy. Period. You will have to push yourself or you will never reach your goals.
    best of luck!!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    There are clips from the workouts on youtube. Check them out and try a couple on your own to see how you do.

    The only reason you wouldn't be able to do P90X is if the activity is so difficult that you can't effectively do enough work to improve consistently. Only you can determine that.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    What's your current level of fitness like? Have you already been exercising? Everyone is a little different, some people are heavier and really strong so they might find the moves a lot easier tan someone who is completely new to exercising (and pushing themselves to their physical limits).
  • EmmEfff
    EmmEfff Posts: 14
    I'm 230 lbs, and I gave up on P90X. Yes, it says go at your own pace, and yes, there are modified versions, but it didn't work for me. Let me amend that - I didn't let it work for me. There was always a reason why I couldn't find 60 minutes.

    I am into week 3 of CROSSFIT, and I am loving it. I was really worried about going into a CrossFit gym - those folks are really really ripped, and even though I was told that things could be modified, I was very worried.

    I am LOVING it. It is so hard, the hardest thing I have ever done, and way harder than P90X. But the coach/owner modifies for me where needed (I can't do impact/lunges because of a very bad knee), she pushes me when I need to be pushed, and everyone else in the gym cheers me on - when they have the breath to do so...

    And it's not like a "regular" gym, where I always felt like I was out of place. Everybody in here is working so hard, they have no time or inclination to look at you, or you at them.

    Go to to learn what Crossfit is all about. And don't be frightened off by what you see! Today I walked 200m carrying a 50 lb barbell over my head, with my arms strong and straight. Three weeks ago, I needed help getting groceries out of the hatchback.

    If you can afford a CrossFit membership, I encourage you to check it out. Otherwise, don't let your size stop you from becoming your best you.

    Feel free to friend me if you'd like to journey together.
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    Personally when I looked at the program, I figured I needed to get stronger before I could handle it so I decided to so some other things first. I also heard from people who did it that they do not do very much cardio so I think it is more focused on building muscle and toning than losing weight (althogh you will lose or at least replace the fat with muscle.) But you COULD do it, nothing is stopping you. Everyone is different and if that is the thing that appeals to you most go for it! It's not like it will hurt (well it might hurt but in a healthy way lol)
  • Yes they show the modified move during the video, no need refer anything else.
  • dwightdegroff
    dwightdegroff Posts: 97 Member
    Beachbody has a fitness test that you can take before starting P90X to see if it's right for you. I definitely recommend doing it before ordering.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Beachbody has a fitness test that you can take before starting P90X to see if it's right for you. I definitely recommend doing it before ordering.

    I failed the fitness test but still took the challenge and I'm doing great and loving it.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Omg YES. TOTALLY. Do you know how many "bigger" people have done P90X and have had great success??? TONS. Seriously look on youtube, search for Dan Bruce or Jeremy Yost or Tommy Mygrant, There are a TON. Whats awesome about P90X is that there is an easier, modified move available for every move on the dvds. There is no reason you can not do this program. I personally went from 180 pounds to a low of 139 pounds from doing P90X and now I swear by it! This is the very reason my profile picture is of me and Tony Horton, it literally changed my life! You can totally do it, dont be afraid!

    In Tonys hand it looks like a cigarette, I know its not but when I first saw it I thought thats not what I think it is, is it.
  • JhKd
    JhKd Posts: 20
    I would consider starting with P90 before going to P90X. I've been doing P90 for two weeks now, and think it's much more appropriate for someone 'just getting started'...

    There's a thread around here somewhere (probably several) of a guy that did P90 and then P90X. He has before and after pics, check those out for some inspiration.
  • ColleenAtherton
    ColleenAtherton Posts: 230 Member
    I finished day 11 of the regular P90 this morning.

    I initially bought the P90X, but after reading the booklet and attempting the pretest (that I failed horribly!) I decided P90 was the better choice for me. I had been inactive for years prior to starting the program and I didn't want to overdo it at first.

    So far P90 is AWESOME!! It is challenging and I am often sore the next day, but it's not overwhelming and I'm not so sore that I can't function for days afterward.

    I am looking forward to starting P90X after finishing P90!

    Did you have to get a pull up bar for P90?

    No, you do not need a pull-up bar.
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    i started it at 235lbs. ( im 5'6")
    it really wasnt that bad.
    i modified some exercises to a lower impact when needed.

    the only one i had trouble with was YogaX. aside from it being sooooooo long and unenjoyable- i found it difficult to do many of the exercises with proper form. largely from being overweight and out of shape. so i replaced Yogax w a class at my gym or one of the other P90X dvds

    When i started P90X, i was VERY sore every day for that first week. week 2, i already noticed a huge improvement in my form, strength and endurace... and not as sore the day after my workouts.