p90x. Start tonight (May 6th). Who's in?

I'm starting p90x tonight. Figured I might as well see if anyone else wanted to join in virtually as well. That way we can keep each other motivated! One day at a time. 90 times. haha.


  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
    I am starting tonight too , are you doing Classic or Lean?
  • jeffwalsh
    jeffwalsh Posts: 32 Member
    I was thinking about Doubles actually. (Classic until the 2nd stage/whatever). How about yourself?
  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
    I am unsure, I am thinking lean just because I cant do a pullup to save my life. So prob Lean and Classic after that and Doubles after that lol.
  • jeffwalsh
    jeffwalsh Posts: 32 Member
    I'm undecided now too. haha. I started looking at lean. Maybe I will just do lean for now.
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 277 Member
    im gona start next week after finals are over. good luck
  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
    Have you tried any of them yet? I can so Lean but classic is a killer. I figure Ill get better doing lean so classic wont be so hard.
  • jeffwalsh
    jeffwalsh Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks! Good luck to you as well and good luck on your finals.

    Yeah, I have done classic before. Well part of it. I found it good.
  • Watchmeshrink21
    Watchmeshrink21 Posts: 69 Member
    im going to restart i skipped two days already i dont think its for me tho
  • Karri_Lynn
    Karri_Lynn Posts: 83
    I'm starting my second round of Classic today! Always happy to motivate and be motivated!!
  • Happycamperkim
    Happycamperkim Posts: 2 Member
    I am in, I am wondering what the best way to track exercise will be using this site. I only saw Curves and Wii Fit no P90X already noted as a workout. My husband and I got as far as week 5 about two months ago then I got an unrelated knee injury had to rest and now am starting today as day 1. Have fun, time for pain!
  • kbtooke
    kbtooke Posts: 21
    I am in, I am wondering what the best way to track exercise will be using this site. I only saw Curves and Wii Fit no P90X already noted as a workout. My husband and I got as far as week 5 about two months ago then I got an unrelated knee injury had to rest and now am starting today as day 1. Have fun, time for pain!

    go to beachbody.com they have worksheets and you can also do a free membership where you can track everything.
  • I'm just started my third week. I use http://p90xcalories.com/ to count the calories because I don't have a HRM. Some people have said its kinda high though, so I always take the "low" amount.
  • coachbeav
    coachbeav Posts: 40 Member
    Classic is the best way to go no matter what your goals are. You can still get lean or you can get big with this program. Doubles, in my opinion, doesn't give your muscles enough time to recover, which ends up not providing as good results as the classic version. I have done a round of P90X, P90X2, and now am doing a round of P90X/Insanity hybrid so I have learned a lot during my journey. I am a Coach as well if anyone would like to add me for support and advice :) Keep bringing it everyone!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I am unsure, I am thinking lean just because I cant do a pullup to save my life. So prob Lean and Classic after that and Doubles after that lol.

    I can't do a pull-up either but I use a chair to modify it. I am on week 4 (recovery week) and I am getting better. Maybe by day 90 I will be able to do a pull-up without help lol
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I am in, I am wondering what the best way to track exercise will be using this site. I only saw Curves and Wii Fit no P90X already noted as a workout. My husband and I got as far as week 5 about two months ago then I got an unrelated knee injury had to rest and now am starting today as day 1. Have fun, time for pain!

    I wear a HRM while exercising and I added P90x it as a new exercise
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    I started on May 7th. I am a member of team "Engage". This isn't my first show to the rodeo but I had a very inspirational moment earlier this week regarding p90X.

    I read a blog post that really put a fire under my butt.

    I have tried once every few months since July 2010 to finish P90X and for one reason or another I quit. I made some stupid excuse and just up and quit...only to find myself wishing I hadn't at what would have been the 90 day mark. Worse yet I was doing it only for weight loss. I want to be real with myself, I have been trying to lose weight since I was 12 only to end up overweight, and nasty fat.
    After reading the above mentioned blog post, it occurre to me to just FINISH P90X and LIve the the P90X life for 90 days..that's it. What ever I gain from it (weight loss, better fitness, blah blah) would be reward enough. Really really deep down inside I JUST want to be in great shape...and it just so happens that weight loss would be an added benefit.

    Here's the down and dirty
    P90X - Lean
    Phase I - Totally Clean on the nutrition side 50/30/20 on the macro nutrients. I eat roughly 1800 calories per day
    Weight 174lbs (yeah that made me sad but I'll discuss why I am back at square one with my weight)
    Height 5'2''
    Age 28
    Goals: Finish the PROGRAM and get my free shirt. You can get a shirt if you enter the beach bod challenge online and log your work outs every day.

  • jfish428
    jfish428 Posts: 23 Member
    I started the lean version last night! I tried to do the full 90 days last spring and I made it about 5 weeks, but was only about week 3 of the program because I had to take a few days off and here for difference reasons. I am determined to stick with it this time - I'm ok if I have to take a rest day when I'm not supposed to. I know I never workout on Thursdays because I work longer hours that day and I'm never able to - no matter how hard I try.

    I love the workouts though. I've used the workouts from time to time when I can't go to the gym or when I want something to kick my @ss. I'm excited to get as far as I can this time around! I'm in a wedding Labor Day weekend and it's my motivation to keep it up!

    Good luck everyone!
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    I have to work out today. I missed yesterday. I had a very emotional day yesterday...it all started when I learned I couldn't vote in the Primary election here in NC.
    Then I had a job interview, that went remarkably well. Unless a candidate has more skills and experience I think I have a pretty good shot at the position.
    Then I had all of the afternoon activities with DS and the kids.....and it ended with me learning that the state I live is a disappointment and then my sister calls me to tell me she's divorcing her husband.
    Today I am a sick fog I cannot shake...but I am going to work out and eat right.
  • Happycamperkim
    Happycamperkim Posts: 2 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks, that is helping a ton!
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    Well, It's the 9th, but I think I'll start again today! I completed it two years ago, and I've gained about 20 pounds back over the past couple of years.

    CW: 155
    GW: 135