Turbo Fire and Not losing... HELP PLEASE

Its been 3 weeks with Turbo fire. First week I did the Inferno plan and lost 2 lbs, then week 1 and week 2 completed. Nothing lost infact, I gained the 2 lbs i lost as well.

My questions are If you did 12 week Turbo Fire,
1. what was your Carb/Protein/ Fat % like?
2. Did you follow the turbo plan
3. Did you use Shaekology?
4. Did you do any other supplemental workout?
5.Did you lose any weight?

Please help , frustrated and ready to quit... Please I want to keep going.....


  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    How much are you eating in a day?? You may be eating too little and not losing due to that. If you are eating more than enough you may be putting on some muscle while losing fat and therefore not seeing a loss on the scale.
  • Ofm05
    Ofm05 Posts: 11 Member
    Fellow the 50 / 30 / 20 plan

    50%protein 30%crabs 20%fat.

    As long as you do that you will burn fat. don't worry to much about the scale.