I know "HELP!" was a little dramatic, but I need it desperately. I start a major university in the Fall. I am 27 and need to lose about 100lbs in total. I don't have any aspirations of losing even half of that before the start of the fall semester. Right now my main goal is to get into some sort of shape (besides round) that will help me with the walking all over campus to get from one class to another on a daily basis. I don't have a lot of time between work and kids. I do know that I need to get busy if I want to be able to handle all the walking at school.

Does anyone have any suggestions for losing the weight? Or how to get prepared for the fall at school? I am open for any suggestions. I have been monitoring my caloric intake for about 2 weeks now according to the recommendations from mfp, but I know I need to be doing more than that. I just don't know where to start or how.


  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Honestly, the walking at school is a great place to start. You might be out of breath at first, but your body will adapt pretty fast. Between now and then, just starting to walk more would be how you'd best prepare for it anyway.

    As for losing the weight, that's all about eating fewer calories than you burn. If you're already starting to keep track of your food and using MFP to set your limits for the day, you're already on the right track.