c-section moms

cuteness81104 Posts: 131 Member
ok I need some motivation I feel like no matter what I am always going to have what I like to call "the mama pooch" I had 2 csections and I have a nasty scar and it makes my stomach area look gross has anyone found success in getting rid of the pooch? and if so b4 and after pics and how you did it plz I need some inspiration


  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    No way in God's name will I post before and after pics LOL. First, I didn't let anyone NEAR me with a camera when I was changing with 'before' so, there are no before pics :)

    Second, I just recently got rid of that awful pooch. By eating right really. I do a lot of abdominal workouts too throughout the week. Overall weight loss and eating very healthy is great to help flatten out the stomach and help rid the pooch. (I only have had 1 C-section so far).
  • jentarver
    jentarver Posts: 192
    I have had 2 c sections. I have noticed with my weight loss that the scar feels pretty horrible (internal) My pooch has changed ALOT! Basically drink more water than recommended, I do more core strengthening than ab workouts.
    My pooch was HORRIBLY huge! I have a lot of work to do, but it has definitely changed a ton. I have noticed that it seems to work from the outer edges to the center when it comes to change, that is why it seems to take so long for them to go away. But I have no doubt it will be gone. :)
  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    I have had 2 c sections. I have noticed with my weight loss that the scar feels pretty horrible (internal) My pooch has changed ALOT! Basically drink more water than recommended, I do more core strengthening than ab workouts.
    My pooch was HORRIBLY huge! I have a lot of work to do, but it has definitely changed a ton. I have noticed that it seems to work from the outer edges to the center when it comes to change, that is why it seems to take so long for them to go away. But I have no doubt it will be gone. :)

    I'd have to say mine slowly went away in that order too -- from outer edges in. I can now clearly see my scar without having to pull anything up. (GROSS!! sorry!) Now all that's left is to tone that skin :-/ If that's possible without surgery.
  • delmeg10
    delmeg10 Posts: 92 Member
    I have had 2 c-sections as well and my pooch is the only thing I can't get rid of. I have also noticed, the more I workout, the more pain I have internally where my scars are. I get shooting pains right where my scars are. I can't wait till the day I don't have to lift a flap of skin to see my c-section scars. :-(
  • Pearl0105
    Pearl0105 Posts: 35 Member
    Sorry not ready to post mine yet as I never let anyone or myself take pics. And actually coz of the c-section I got lazy losing weight until my daughter turned one and was totally embarrassed to take pics with her! Sigh! But as Jentarver stated core strengthening is the key. Plus I started lifting weights and noticed with proper form I am working on my core more and my pooch is slowly going way.
  • prettybub
    prettybub Posts: 54 Member
    I have had three c-sections. And I have previously lost 53kg, My pooch never went away..Even at my smallest of 66kg... i worked out lots and it shrunk but never went completely. :(
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 278 Member
    Ive been doing lots of planks recently (level 2 30DS) and that is doing my mum tum a world of good - pulling those lower abs in. I am afraid what the skin will look like around there once the weight is gone - I think its gone saggy...sigh...I think saggy skin cant really be got rid of without surgery...
  • Kaylyn221
    Kaylyn221 Posts: 123
    I have had a c-section and I have the pooch. Although it is shrinking. Slowly but surely. Im sure I will always have some kind of 'skin' above my scar, but the pooch itself is slowly shrinking. The outsides are shrinking first, working their way in to the middle {below my belly button area}.

    I started to notice any sort of shrinking with lots of core exercises, not just ab workouts. Right now I am doing Turbo Fire {start week 4 today} and these workouts involve a lot of tightening of your core muscles and just in these 3, going on 4 weeks I have noticed a difference in the 'pooch area'.

    Also, I believe what you eat and drink has a lot to do with it. Granted we all need to eat healthy when we want to lose weight, but I think it's especially important when wanting to 'shift' your post-baby belly area. I gained 80lbs when I was pregnant and with super clean eating and drinking LOTS and LOTS of water my stomach shrank to fit into pre-pregnancy clothes within 9 months.

    So I say work on your core, eat very clean and drink tons of water everyday... slowly but surely your body will shift that mama pooch around. Might not be overnight, but eventually you will see some changes :)
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Not only did I have 2 c-sections.. Mine are up and down, not bikini cut.. my first was a dire emergency, and they sliced me like a trout.. the scar looks like a big night-crawler on my belly now, but I don't care. I earned that scar, my daughter was born healthy and undamaged. That being said, I have always had a pooch, way before I had kids.. it's just how I'm built. I've always hated that thing. I began running a year and a half ago, and that flattened it out. I couldn't believe my eyes! I never thought I'd get rid of it. Running really does flatten out your stomach. And I never was a runner before, but I had great success with C25K.
  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    I know you guys may feel helpless about the pooch, and I understand I've only had 1 C-section as opposed to multiple, but I was very active and had a very muscular toned body before pregnancy. During pregnancy I did loads of purposeful walking and pregnancy Pilates. With that said, afterwards, the muscles were there (obviously they needed shrinking and had to go back to their original form which can take up to a year) but I just needed to lose the fat and continue working those muscles again since they kind of atrophied.

    If you were not very fit (I don't mean skinny) before pregnancy/pregnancies, then it may take longer but the pooch WILL go away.

    As for shooting pains some of you are talking about, have you guys mentioned that to your doctors? I have never had pains near my scar at all -- only in the first month of healing.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    I had a c section last year and so far, I haven't seen much progress with my pooch. lol, but I believe that as long as I eat healthy and workout, it will eventually go away.
  • sasarafo
    sasarafo Posts: 18
    I have had three c-sections....and three babies over 10lbs, the biggest being over 11lbs. Needless to say my stomach is toast. Between the excess skin, horrible stretch marks and the dreaded "hanging pooch" it will probably never be flat no matter how hard I work without surgery. I think I am ok with that as long as I am healthy.

    Now to ask a gross question. Do any of you have problems with chafing under your belly when exercising? I am having a heck of a time with mine. The skin becomes raw and super sore. I am tempted to pull out the duct tape...any other suggestions?
  • Misalayne
    Misalayne Posts: 84 Member
    I had a c-section nearly 22 years ago. A military Dr. Did it and did a horrible job! I was able to lose the weight after having both of my kids and the ugly, jagged scar was still there, but I had a nice flat tummy. I did a ton of cardio, but also spent a lot of time in the gym with my husband...4 days on 1 day off. I worked my core alot and actually remained looking good until I hit 40. You can get your tummy flat after a c-section, but you have to work at it. Hang in there, you can do it!
  • michellesisreed
    michellesisreed Posts: 24 Member
    I have had 1 c-section however my girlfriend had 2 and no matter how much she exercised hers never went away she finally resorted in getting a tummy tuck and then it was flat as a rail. I am still trying to exercise my mothers apron away because I really want to believe some thin famous persons c-section went away without surgery just diet and excercise......ill let you know how that turns out. good luck ladies.
  • dellashanks
    dellashanks Posts: 207 Member
    I've had 2 and I personally have faith that if I lose enough body fat this will go away. I have heard that some people have had success with the derma roller. It is on my list of purchases for post fat makeover. I hope all of you the best. My mom had a c section with me and her stomache really looked great. She didn't have stretch marks but she recovered nicely from her c section. I have seen a flat tummy after a C so it can be done.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I've had two and I'm working on mine. It's probably where I carry most of my weight (in my belly and especially that stupid pooch!!)
  • bingham1
    bingham1 Posts: 26 Member
    I've had two c/s and am just really getting into my weight loss journey (25lbs lost) I've noticed saggy skin close to the scar. I've been worried about it myself. I have been doing the shred to (my second time doing it, a little harder this time) and it is helping. I still have a lot of numbness around the scar 17 months after #2..don't know if that makes any difference. Wish never had to have the darn surgeries. But that is another story for another day. :)

    Good luck!
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    I too had a c-sec and it sucks! I have a terrible pooch and as I loose weight I think it looks worse, sagging. I listened to a Jillian Michaels podcast that said the pooch is just fat and with cardio and weight training it will go away. Just very slowly because it's usually the last spot to go away.
  • Juliec007
    Juliec007 Posts: 1
    Now to ask a gross question. Do any of you have problems with chafing under your belly when exercising? I am having a heck of a time with mine. The skin becomes raw and super sore. I am tempted to pull out the duct tape...any other suggestions?

    Sasarafo, have you tried putting some baby powder on your stomach before you workout? I haven't tried this, but I coach teenagers, and sometimes it helps high friction areas when they run. Good luck!
  • bingham1
    bingham1 Posts: 26 Member
    Now to ask a gross question. Do any of you have problems with chafing under your belly when exercising? I am having a heck of a time with mine. The skin becomes raw and super sore. I am tempted to pull out the duct tape...any other suggestions?

    Sasarafo, have you tried putting some baby powder on your stomach before you workout? I haven't tried this, but I coach teenagers, and sometimes it helps high friction areas when they run. Good luck!

    I've used powder. it really helps!
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