

  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Awesome Tammy! Keep up the good work.
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi everyone,:flowerforyou:
    I have really missed you all and have been wondering how you are all doing!

    Puerto Vallarte was hotter than....but was really beautiful! Considering this was a budget destination wedding it was like a fairy tale!

    The really sad news is that I did not get to go to the wedding! My baby got married and his mother, who drank some Mexican water, was sick sick sick!

    We are home now and I lost 2 pounds! Yea! This was the hard way to do it!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi everyone,:flowerforyou:
    I have really missed you all and have been wondering how you are all doing!

    Puerto Vallarte was hotter than....but was really beautiful! Considering this was a budget destination wedding it was like a fairy tale!

    The really sad news is that I did not get to go to the wedding! My baby got married and his mother, who drank some Mexican water, was sick sick sick!

    We are home now and I lost 2 pounds! Yea! This was the hard way to do it!

    I am glad to hear it was so beautiful down there and am so sorry to hear you missed the wedding. I can't even imagine.

    Take care and I hope you are feeling better.
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:
    We are still trying to get over this " drank the mexico water" bugs, yipes!
    Not quite there yet but I did go down another pound today! yea!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Great Morning All!!

    I just weighed myself and have already reached my six week goal of 240lbs (two weeks early)! Originally my goal was 244 but I dropped a bit of water weight at the beggining and lowered my goal to 240. My next goal is to be 235 by my birthday on Aug 20th!

    Woot! *does happy dance*

    Thank you all for being such an inspiration and for being motivating. I couldn't have done this without you.

    Take care,
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    Great Morning All!!

    I just weighed myself and have already reached my six week goal of 240lbs (two weeks early)! Originally my goal was 244 but I dropped a bit of water weight at the beggining and lowered my goal to 240. My next goal is to be 235 by my birthday on Aug 20th!

    Woot! *does happy dance*

    Thank you all for being such an inspiration and for being motivating. I couldn't have done this without you.

    Take care,
    Congrats Tammy on making your goal, and early too! Good luck on you next goal, you can do it! :drinker:
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi everyone:flowerforyou:
    Am feeling betterbut not 100%! The good news is that I lost another pound!

    TAMMY, congratulations on reaching your goal and reaching it early! Am dancing the jig for you!

    HMMMMMM, where is everone?
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hey Sandi ... welcome home ... I hope you're back to 100% soon.

    Tammy - I'm so happy for you reaching that goal.:happy: I can vouch for you how hard you have been working on it. I enjoyed the hike today and the other day with you. "Weigh" to go my friend!!!
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    THOUGHT I would post this here too!
    Everyone is doing such a great job with their weight loss!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flo

    SLIMMINGMOM, your right...I am in onderland! yea! I love your before and now pictures! Hey gal, a half a pound is a half a pound is 2 cubes of butter! YEA !!

    GETFIT, good for you on the 1 pound loss. Keep that scale moving!

    MISS MESSY, I would go for the baggy jeans any day! Don't be down on yourself!

    GEMIWING, nothing wrong with not losing!look at your wonderful loss, wow, 20 pounds! Awesome!

    MAGGLETT, YEA, for you! I am doing the happy dance for you!!!

    MOMTWO4, , What a great dream, now keep on visualizing it and it will happen! A suggestion...not that I am good at doing this, do the 3 bite rule! Just 3 bites and then push it away! Good luck!

    DAISY MAY, thanks for your support and for checking in!

    TAMMY, great job! You go girl!!

    KEVINSGIRL, great job and isn't that the way it works? Feel thin and gain or feel fat and lose! Who knows. This last week I got a new outfit and I thought I really looked cute and when I saw myself in a picture I looked like a TOAD!!

    Glandis, Good for you that you can see what you did and jump right back on track!

    BABYLILAC, Another 2 pounds gone! yea! Dancing the jig for you!!

    YOLIE1, unfortunately the body and the

    weight loss are not communicating. Check it next week!

    Nothing to stop any of us from weighing in on both days That way the Monday weigh in helps keep us honest on the weekends and Wednesdays acts as a validation for us to see how we are doing

  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Tammy, I loved reading your story and feeling your excitement about your new lifestyle! Thank you for sharing!:flowerforyou: :

    I wish everyone would tell their story and tell us what kind of a plan they are following! Your story may be the story that changes someone elses life!:happy: :happy:
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I posted this a few weeks ago- yet I wanted to put it here to share with you guys. This explains how I view the whole thing and my motivations too.

    ((((((Hugs)))))) :flowerforyou:

    Before I fell ill a few years ago, I started eating right, weight lifting and had lost 100llbs.

    I was grocery shopping on a busy Saturday afternoon and putting my items on the checkout belt. Lowfat cottage cheese, chicken, brown rice, eggs, lowfat milk, veggies. Just another week of groceries.

    Then I looked at the order ahead of me in line. Cheetos, white bread, boxed pasta dinners, snack cakes, frozen Mega Man dinners and a can of corn. I felt my stomach lurch as I saw what once would have been MY week of groceries. I saw all of the emotional eating, all of the pain hidden within a bag of cheese colored styrofoam and fake chocolate chip fillings.

    I quickly looked back at my own groceries- I could feel the horror on my face and didn't want to make anyone else feel bad, simply because I no longer ate those things didn't mean that others couldn't enjoy them if they wanted to.

    As I stood staring intently at my own food slowly making its way across the belt, something blurred in the corner of my eye. It was a large container of lowfat cottage cheese. It was soon joined with a package of chicken breasts, a dozen eggs, yogurt, vegetables and whole grain bread.

    My head moved on it's own and I looked up at the man behind me in line. He was muscled, proportionate and stood strong on his feet. He was looking at my food- then we looked at each other and smiled.

    We didn't talk about the hours of sweaty dedication, the joys of finishing that final rep you couldn't do two weeks ago or redirecting well-meaning friends' offers of twinkies. There was no mention of calories, early morning protien shakes or the pride we felt in taking care of our bodies. We didn't even say hello. We didn't have to.

    We knew who we were and where we were going.

    I paid for my groceries and walked out of the store knowing that I wasn't alone in a sea of fad diets and poor nutritional 'advice'. I was part of something bigger, healthier and more joyous than simply 'eating'.

    I wasn't eating for weight loss, a pair of pants or my spouse. I was eating for LIFE.
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    emiwing, wow what a wonderful story! For me it was bittersweet while reading it! I have been the girl , you and the man behind you! Our groceries certainly do tell a story!

    I have to go to the doctors now but I will write my story later today!
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    emiwing, wow what a wonderful story! For me it was bittersweet while reading it! I have been the girl , you and the man behind you! Our groceries certainly do tell a story!

    I have to go to the doctors now but I will write my story later today!
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    emiwing, wow what a wonderful story! For me it was bittersweet while reading it! I have been the girl , you and the man behind you! Our groceries certainly do tell a story!

    I have to go to the doctors now but I will write my story later today!
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    emiwing, wow what a wonderful story! For me it was bittersweet while reading it! I have been the girl , you and the man behind you! Our groceries certainly do tell a story!

    I have to go to the doctors now but I will write my story later today!
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    My story is an ongoing saga! I look at pictures of me at age 1 and see an obese 1 year old! Not many pictures of me growing up but of the ones I have I am involved with food! It really makes me sad because I was a cute little kid! Any of you who watch MEDIUM i am the middle child who seems to always have IDEAS ! be they good ideas or bad ones is questionable! She even looks like I looked as a child. It also allows me to see how much more creative I would have been if I had been raised in a different environment! Anyway food has always been there for me! When I was in a marriage and did not get what I needed emotionally or physically I would go to bed every night with pudding or ice cream....it soothed me and made me feel better!
    All emotions and situations were cause to be soothed by food. Now I know what I am doing and there are times when I still fall into that trap!

    What it takes to make changes in our lives is first to acknowledge what our behaviors are and then to take action! Once we are aware of the driving forces we can then CHOOSE to change or not to change!
    A few years ago I had an interesting experience!
    Every time I would peel carrots i was compelled to bite the end off of every carrot! It drove me nuts! Why can't I stop biting off the ends of these carrots? Well.....I went home to visit my mother and we were sitting in the kitchen chatting away....then my mother started to peel carrots....you've got it....she bite off the end of every carrot! The amazing part of this was once I found out why I was biting off the carrots ends I was able to stop doing it! So before I saw this I was compelled to bite but now it is a choice and sometimes I CHOOSE to take a bite...but I don't have to do it!

    Now here I am learning more and more everyday and loving giving and getting support!
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hey you gals!

    Maybe I should not keep digging this thread out.....it appears that we will start a new thread everywddk for a weigh in and then use it for chat? Sounds okay to me! what do you all think?
  • abbytat
    abbytat Posts: 14 Member
    Hey ladies, I need some help!! So, I'm working out with ChaLean Extreme and two weeks ago I pulled my back out doing one of her moves (lost my balance while bent over and tried to recover, b/c I'm stubborn like that..:( ). Anyway, so I haven't been able to exercise for two weeks. Not only that, but during that time I could stand for long periods or do any lifting(and really I couldn't use any force to chop veggies either), so my husband was "taking care of dinner" for that time. You all know what that means I'm sure!!

    I want to start working out again (I don't have any pain on a daily basis anymore), but the other day I went swimming at a friends house. I just played around a little and swam 5 or 6 very slow laps, but it was enough to make my back a little sore (not sharp pain, but I was uncomfortable). I thought swimming would be better b/c there's no jarring, but I don't know....

    Any recommendations???? I really need to start working out again.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Hey ladies, I need some help!! So, I'm working out with ChaLean Extreme and two weeks ago I pulled my back out doing one of her moves (lost my balance while bent over and tried to recover, b/c I'm stubborn like that..:( ). Anyway, so I haven't been able to exercise for two weeks. Not only that, but during that time I could stand for long periods or do any lifting(and really I couldn't use any force to chop veggies either), so my husband was "taking care of dinner" for that time. You all know what that means I'm sure!!

    I want to start working out again (I don't have any pain on a daily basis anymore), but the other day I went swimming at a friends house. I just played around a little and swam 5 or 6 very slow laps, but it was enough to make my back a little sore (not sharp pain, but I was uncomfortable). I thought swimming would be better b/c there's no jarring, but I don't know....

    Any recommendations???? I really need to start working out again.

    It's time to get your doc's opinion. If swimming slowly still hurt you- you need to be looked at just to be safe. Also, the doc can get you into movement therapies that could get you back to exercising quicker.

    I hope you heal soon! :flowerforyou: