Im new!!

Hello everyone!!

My name is Janelle, I have a husband and two kids. Ive been lucky enough to be the same size my whole life even after having two kids in two years. THEN I turned 37. And it all stopped!! Now im looking to lose 30lbs. I've only been on for a week and am just learning. I have a home travel agent business so im sitting most of the day. I've never had to pay attention to my food/exercise so im very new to this. I started yoga at home last night and introduced my husband to it! This morning he woke up and said he felt really good! So hoping to do that with him every night!! Need all the help and encouragement I can get. :)



  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Hello! I am a new mom to my 4 month son. My goal is to loose the pregnancy weight. I had always had issues with weight problems. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • RenVan
    RenVan Posts: 121 Member
    Welcome Janelle,
    friend request coming your way!
  • trudyamanda
    trudyamanda Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me!