I hate me and my body!



  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    We have to learn to stop speaking to ourselves so negatively. Would we say those things to our friends? Never! Show yourself the same respect you would your friend or a complete stranger.

    And never ever compare yourself to someone else! You can't do this. We are all different, or have gone through different things...it is unfair to do that to yourself.

    Spend less time scrutinizing yourself in the mirror too...and when you do focus on the positives! Tell yourself you are beautiful...that you do have a lovely butt/hair/smile/calves, (or whatever you love the most about yourself).

    AND do not COVER up. You need to go out and buy clothes that show off your accomplishments and make you feel CONFIDENT!

    The more you eat right and exercise the better you should start to feel anyways. It will happen but you have to work on your insides as much as you work on your outsides.
    It's human nature. I'll give you an example. After my last 'half', I felt like crap. I even said I wondered if I was even a real runner. One of my running friends commented that I was and that I should be so hard on myself, but rather be proud that I got out there and did it. Well just yesterday I was reading her post on her 'half' and she was saying the same thing that I said. I messaged her and told her to go back to my post and read what she said. She came back to me and said she should take her own advice. It's how we are wired. We are always harder on ourselves. I honestly think we should be. It keeps us honest. Of course not everyone is capable of doing this and that's when it becomes an issue!

    I hope that makes sense.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    5'3", 150 lb.

    I thought I had too much belly when I was a teen @ 108 lb. Didn't help that my best friend was a stick bug who ran all the time.

    I'm struggling with this, too. Every picture of myself, I find fault with. But I am trying to think more about workout goals, rather than appearance goals. If I hit the healthy range that I want to be in, the appearance of my body will be improving, as well.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    5'3", 150 lb.

    I thought I had too much belly when I was a teen @ 108 lb. Didn't help that my best friend was a stick bug who ran all the time.

    I'm struggling with this, too. Every picture of myself, I find fault with. But I am trying to think more about workout goals, rather than appearance goals. If I hit the healthy range that I want to be in, the appearance of my body will be improving, as well.

    I try to be positive, but it's easier said than done.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I hear ya. I'm down over 40 pounds, and my wife says she sees a huge difference. Looking in the mirror, though, I still just see the huge gut / spare tire and moobs. I'm not sure at what point I'll look at the mirror and not be disgusted, but for now, I'll just be happy to see the results on the scale and in the smaller clothes I just bought.

    Edit: MFP really needs a "Preview Post" button. Spelling and grammar, yay!

    Fortunately on MFP, it doesn't matter if you don't use correct grammar or spelling.. see?

    MyFitnessPal Site-wide Community Guidelines

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    As for the OP: It sounds like you have a body image problem. Even if you are still overweight and hadn't had surgery, you should not "hate" your body. Maybe counseling could help?
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    5'3", 150 lb.

    I thought I had too much belly when I was a teen @ 108 lb. Didn't help that my best friend was a stick bug who ran all the time.

    I'm struggling with this, too. Every picture of myself, I find fault with. But I am trying to think more about workout goals, rather than appearance goals. If I hit the healthy range that I want to be in, the appearance of my body will be improving, as well.

    I try to be positive, but it's easier said than done.

    Too true, unfortunately. But all I know is, I can't let myself go back to the way I was. I'd rather fight and feel like I'm losing all the time, than give up and actually lose this thing.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    Well at least I know I'm not the only one now. Now I just need to get a gameplan together and figure out how I'm going to fix me.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I want them to feel beautiful, but it's hard to help someone else when you can't even help yourself.

    But you are helping yourself. You are taking the right steps, and you are reaching out when you need help. You are way a head of so many other people out there.
    As far as your daughter and her eating habits, I would stop allowing junk food in the house. Not an easy step to take, but easier than watching every bite she puts in her mouth.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    Thank you everyone...I appreciate your thoughts and hopefully I can get past this, helping myself and my girls.
  • kaliedoscope65
    I know it sounds cliche' but being positive is the only way to pull you out of the way you are thinking. I am not saying to be all; "I love my body", "I am greatest thing since sliced bread".

    I am 5'4" and weigh 270 lbs, and I got here from the same type of thinking for years. Hiding in "frumpy" clothes only made me feel that much more "frumpy". Of course it wasn't just the clothes this thinking infected every part of my life. At 5'4" and 150 lbs I was in a marriage with a man who was a master of mind games. Feeling inadequate as a wife, mother, oh and by the way the bread winner I started packing on pounds. At 5'4" and 190 lbs I was divorced, in debt to my eyeballs, and raising two children. At 5'4" and 220 lbs, I took on the "I am who I am motto", discouraged and overstressed gave me the perfect excuse to stop cooking for myself and my kids. Am I totally awake now that I start this battle to go from 270 lbs in menopause to 150 lbs -- no it is one day at the time and no chastising myself when I have a set back at lunch, or don't work out on a day I should be.

    So, my advice, when you are feeling "frumpy" go pick out your best outfit and put on some makeup. Go get your nails done. Better yet take a walk or run and reward yourself with a ice cold bottle of water when you are done.

    Good Luck! You are beautiful.
  • tmoyer1209
    tmoyer1209 Posts: 215 Member
    I didn't have time to read all the responses with dinner making but I feel a lot of the same things you do about myself. I recently got my hair style dramatically changed to boost my need for difference, it has helped with me thinking I am better looking too. I recently started a book called ten days to self esteem, got it at barnes and noble and it has helped with my overall unhappiness with life.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    Good Luck! You are beautiful

    This seriously brought tears to my eyes...