I do it for a healthier, Happier Tomorrow©®

Howdy, ever wake up and realize that life has gone by? That you're health isnt what it use to be and there doesn't seem to be anything in you life motivating you to do something about it? I am a 39 5'5" fatty. i was 125-135 until i was 23-24. by the time i was 26 i was 226. i joined the Army and got down to like 167. got out 3 years later and balooned back to 226. 10 years later i was 260. I almost lost my eyesight, my kidneys, my life. i shrunk down to 226lbs in less than 2 months. then gained 20 lbs in a month, which was actaully a good thing at the time. 2 year later(4/1/12 my birthday) I woke up from a WOW nightmare.(WOW is an online game.) I was 243lbs and sick of it!!! SICK SICK SICK!!! i am noww down to 236 and still shrinking. I walk and jog everyday. i am counting my caloires and doing a lot of juicing. My only reason for what i am doing? I Do It For A Heahlthier, Happier Tomorrow!! Find Your Reason!!!!
DEC 2012- 3k
May 2013 - 5K