Why isn't running slimming me down?

Why isn't running slimming my body down? It seems like my thighs/calves have got bigger, well by half an inch.. yes I have more muscle now but i'm trying to SLIM them down by losing fat/inches.. I eat 110g protein.. fewer carbs, moderate fat.. my diet is pretty clean.. it's been almost 4 wks now...

Note : I am pear shaped, should I be doing low impact cardio as i've heard some pear shapes/hour glass who carry the most weight on their hips/thighs should do alot of cardio which I've been trying to do.. but apparently it's not working.

Has running helped you?? I try to do HIIT with walking slow for 2 min then running for 6.0 2 min and alternate... i don't get why they're not slimming down.

I also do squats, lunges with 10 lb dumbells (just started with weights so working my way up.)


Should I be eating few protein? My body seems to gain weight with the more carbs I consume so I try to keep my carbs under 60g a day and higher protein..


  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    Take the suggestions from your other thread. They were:

    Eat more than the 1300 calories you're at right now. Look up the Eat More to Weigh Less group:

    Incorporate strength training:

    Don't be so concerned with scale weight. Track your other measurements.

    Be consistent and have patience.
  • kjerstenkipp
    kjerstenkipp Posts: 139 Member
    4 weeks is not enough time to judge...keep going for 8 more weeks...make sure you are eating enough...running burns some real calories.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    Exercise doesn't inherently make you lose weight. It makes you burn calories, and a calorie deficit makes you lose weight. Are you properly logging your calories?
  • FloridaAimee
    FloridaAimee Posts: 295 Member
    Also, you might want to find another runner to watch you and check your form. I know I tend to lean forwards (which makes my back hurt when Im done!) and am working on that.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I've been running for years so I can tell you it will definitely help!

    However, weight loss is 99% diet so be sure and watch your calories and give it time. Running will eventually give you extra calories for that day which come in handy when you want dessert :)
  • AnnaAnafi
    AnnaAnafi Posts: 17 Member
    Four weeks isn't enought time and incorporate strength training (it was already said above, but it's important to emphasize).

    Building muscle helps your metabolism. You could be going through a gaining muscle/losing fat shift and it's going to take a while to really see lbs lost or size lost.

    Also, weight bearing cardio burns more calories than low impact.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Invest in a HRM.

    Make sure your interval training spikes your heart rate in or above the anaerobic stage, that zone will burn the most calories. Check your heart rate zones for your age group here:

  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    You can lift heavier, you would be surprised how strong your lower body actually is. I didn't know it until I tried.

    It is how you eat: moderate calorie deficit (make sure you are eating enough above your BMR), eat 1g of protein for lean body mass and maybe .5g fat of your total body weight.

    Running didn't slim me down, lifting heavy weights is what is slimming down me. I run because I find it fun and I am sure it does some good for my heart. :)
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    Stay away from the scale and measure. I log measurements every Sunday. If I went by the scale alone I would be demotivated. So I only weigh every few weeks. For me the scale can sit still for weeks but I lose anywhere from a 1/2 inch to an inch a week.