Insanity? (for those who have done this)

My husband and I are going to start Insanity together as soon as it arrives in the mail. I was wanting to know opinions of those who have tried, are currently in, or have finished this program. Did you see the results you wanted?


  • jcperkns
    jcperkns Posts: 109
    I just started the second month and I have lost about 7 lbs so far. I love it! It's the hardest workout I've ever done but so worth it!
  • kristibag81
    kristibag81 Posts: 61
    Great! Thanks for the response! :)
  • KNarrainen
    KNarrainen Posts: 135 Member
    I'm in the last few days of month 2. I haven't lost loads of weight, but I didn't have very much to lose, but my body has literally transformed.

    It's an amazing programme, but it is very, very tough, you really have to commit.

    Do that, and you won't regret it. Just keep doing your best, even on the days when you don't want to.