Knee pain when running?

ryandylan Posts: 62
edited December 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I have recently started walking on my treadmill after taking a LONG break from exercise (like a 7 month break-oops) Anyway, I have no problem walking, so I started jogging a little...was planning to try couch to 5K.......I've maybe run for 1-2 minutes at a time, then go back to walking, for a total of about 30 minutes. The last few times i've been on the treadmill, my knees KILL when I'm done....i've never had this before from just I just not destined to be a runner or is there something I can do? I weigh 164, so I guess maybe the extra weight is putting too much pressure on my knees??? I was down to 144 last summer.


  • LHWho
    LHWho Posts: 3
    Usually, if my knees start hurting it's usually time to get new shoes, or I'm not conscious of where my feet are when they hit the ground (make sure you're pushing off with your toes), or I haven't been stretching. Or all of the above : )
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Could also be poor form. May want to get a gait analysis done.
  • onyxaj
    onyxaj Posts: 17
    I can't say for use what's causing the pain, but if a doctor says you have weak knees, then there is a way around that, I have a bad knee (suffered two dislocations), so I use an eliptical. It will work the same muscles as running (about), but it is MUCH easier on your knees.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    you're not that heavy so that shouldnt be an issue, ive run for 6 miles @ 256lbs before with no problems.
    If its just general soreness rather than pain in a specific area on one knee which would point to an injury, I would think its down to your shoes or form as other posters have said.

    Go to a proper running shop where they will watch you run on a treadmill and recommend suitable shoes for your feet and running style :-)
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    Unfortunately, you're getting older.

    I'd try exercise bike & leg lifts to strengthen the legs, to support the knee's.
    Strengthen your legs before trying again.
    You could get a knee support, but that's only a temporary solution, and I'd rather listen to the body and try to fix the problem.

    There is gonna be impact to your body on the treadmill.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Shoes, form (treadmill form is different than running on the ground) and leg strength. Hard core runners will typically put 300-500 miles on their running shoes and use them for nothing else. If you use the same shoes for kicking around during the day and then run in them and they are getting to be more than a few months old, the padding has probably hardened and not doing as much as you're used to. Coming off 7 months of no running, and I'm assuming relatively little significant exercise, you're legs have probably gotten a lot weaker than they were before. Simple exercises like squats and lunges (try back step instead of forward step) using just your body weight will quickly strengthen your legs so the muscles act as a shock absorber, like they are supposed to.

    I've had several knee injuries, needed physical therapy before but never surgery so far. Working on building that leg strength and flexibility has done wonders for me. 6 months ago I was convinced my currently bad knee needed surgery. Between the weight loss and a slow, steady process of rebuilding my leg strength (elliptical with high intensity intervals, leg press, squats, lunges) over the last 3 months, I am now able to run 2 miles relatively pain free. I'm slow, but I'm not afraid my knee will self destruct anymore.
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    try striking the ground with the pads of your feet, rather than with your heels.
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