ANYONE lost weight Jogging?

Anyone lost weight by jogging or running? How much did you lose and how long did it take you? Please motivate me, I feel like giving up =(


  • kmmachado
    kmmachado Posts: 6
    I did! I lost my 21 pounds by keeping track of my food and running on my treadmill. I ran about 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    You can do all the jogging you like, but if you don't have a calorie deficit you won't lose weight.

    Let's say an average person burns 100 calories per mile, you'd need to do 35 miles to lose a lb, if you were eating at maintenance.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member

    I have been running a long time, and it's my experience that without strength training, running is not terribly effective for weight loss. Let me correct that, It can be very effective at WEIGHT loss, because you burn a ton of calories, but unless you eat enough calories to support the running 1) lo lose muscle with the weight and 2) your running progress peters out because you don't have the energy to do it. I am right now in a position where I've stalled my weight loss by running too much without eating enough and I'm trying to cut back.
  • NavyIT85
    NavyIT85 Posts: 26 Member
    I have lost a lot of weight just by eating like a runner would eat, and running about 3 miles a day 4-5 days a week. I have progressed a lot further than that now, but lost 25lbs initially like that.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I started out dieting only. 4.5 months later, I added walking 3 times a week. I gradually increased duration, speed, incline, and days per week. In Feb/March of this year, I started doing C25K. I've seen a dramatic decrease in fat loss since starting running, especially in my face and neck (and chest, which is a GOOD thing for me!).

    I just posted my one year progress post today:

    ETA: And here's a post I did about the difference just one month of C25K made on my double chin:
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I use running as my main form of cardio (2 days of HIIT a week, plus one long run day) and I've lost 20 lbs total, plus 2 (almost 3!) pants sizes. I also do some serious strength training 3-4 times a week, plus a cardio kickboxing class once a week where I wear weighted gloves. I will say that I noticed the most changes in my body when I added in the heavy strength training, and I don't eat back more than half of my exercise calories generally speaking. I eat around 1400-1600 cals a day, with a ratio of 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30%'s worked great for me! That said, everybody's body chemistry is different. But personally, I love running and have had a lot of success with it :)
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 282 Member
    I find running slims me down pretty quick. I can see what people mean about needing strength for nicer muscles but for jjust dropping sizes well running is fast
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i can't give the running ALL the credit...but i have accompanied running with calorie tracking and healthy eating and i've lost 18lbs so far.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Yeah, jogging + shoving less crap in my face.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    jog and eat at a deficit = lose weight
    jog and eat at a surplus = gain weight
    jog and eat at maintenance = maintain weight
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Eating healthy + running was what did away with the first 25 lbs. I had a string of personal and fitness injuries spread out over many months though, so I'm starting all over with C25k so I learn how to pace myself again.
  • EthanJeremiahsMama
    EthanJeremiahsMama Posts: 534 Member
    Walk, jog/run... with eating healthy/at a deficit, I lost weight
  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member

    I have been running a long time, and it's my experience that without strength training, running is not terribly effective for weight loss. Let me correct that, It can be very effective at WEIGHT loss, because you burn a ton of calories, but unless you eat enough calories to support the running 1) lo lose muscle with the weight and 2) your running progress peters out because you don't have the energy to do it. I am right now in a position where I've stalled my weight loss by running too much without eating enough and I'm trying to cut back.

    ^^ Similar experience here. Strength training along with the running is best. EFFECTIVE eating to maintain a deficit but also fuel your running is key though. What and how much you eat will depend on your running goals (distance, intensity etc.). You want your food to work for you so I just try to think about how the food I eat day in and day out can actively assist my training process (and in some cases how it might hinder it instead). Keeping that thought at the forefront of my mind often helps me make wiser and healthier food choices all around which will both help your running and your weight/inches loss (don't forget inches are as, if not more, important than the weight number itself!). Keep at it! :smile:
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    You can do all the jogging you like, but if you don't have a calorie deficit you won't lose weight.

    Let's say an average person burns 100 calories per mile, you'd need to do 35 miles to lose a lb, if you were eating at maintenance.
    True! Lots of overweight people jog and are still overweight a year later. It takes 2 things to lose weight. Proper diet for your body and exercise. It is really that simple. The hard part is determining what your body needs and being consistent with your exercise!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    You can do all the jogging you like, but if you don't have a calorie deficit you won't lose weight.

    Let's say an average person burns 100 calories per mile, you'd need to do 35 miles to lose a lb, if you were eating at maintenance.
    True! Lots of overweight people jog and are still overweight a year later. It takes 2 things to lose weight. Proper diet for your body and exercise. It is really that simple. The hard part is determining what your body needs and being consistent with your exercise!

    I guess most of us that replied assumed the OP was eating at a deficit, but you're right, not an assumption we should have made!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I lost about 20lbs. I lift as well, but running is my true love.
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    Anyone lost weight by jogging or running? How much did you lose and how long did it take you? Please motivate me, I feel like giving up =(

    yes, all the weight i have lsot is from running and diet.
  • Living4Liz2012
    I did starting off jogging and in about 8 months running....took me about 8 months to drop 49 pounds....Don't give up just continue to run, eat right and stay focus...feel free to add me:)
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Yessss!! I started last June after I had lost about 60 pounds. By the end of feb I hit my goal after losing another 40 pounds....and I'm still RUNNING. We are runners, not joggers :wink:
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    I started out walking, and now walk/jog/run both on the treadmill and out on the streets. I also use the elliptical and bikes at the gym for cardio. Doing this and eating at a deficit has worked well for me. I started to incorporate some lifting a couple of months ago, and am doing more of that and less cardio now - along with increasing my caloric intake. This is still working - although a little slower now that I am approaching my goal weight. Bottom less & exercise more = weight loss.