Giving it up...


I'll start by saying I really would appreciate no negative comments here... we all make mistakes, the point is trying not to make the same mistake twice!

Basically I live in NZ and have done for the past 16 or so months. I'm originally from the UK, had a pretty decent job but after losing my dad to cancer and nursing him for 18 months I was really physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted and needed to get away. Like as far away as possible to figure out what to do with my life. Fast forward 16 months and I'm doing my PhD in human health and nutrition psychology at a NZ Uni.

What I'm giving up is alcohol. I didn't realise how much of a crutch I've used it as over the past few years. I've realised it makes me down and miserable and that the answer is never at the bottom of the glass. I hit rock bottom lately and had a frank discussion with my housemates - my reliance on this hasn't been physical, but rather emotional as I've felt so lonely over here, being away from my family and my friendship group back home. You don't realise how important people are in your life until they're not there any more.

So... as of last week I've decided to be T-total. I've picked myself up off my *kitten*, got myself a car so that I can see some of this wonderful country and started to like myself a little more. I used to be really bubbly and funny, but over the past 6 months I've just got lower and lower and stopped caring for myself and my body the way it should be cared for. I should learn from my dads mistakes as he drank too much, lived too much of a fast lifestyle and ultimately paid the price not only with his own life - but also with part of mine, my mums and my sisters as we're left with a gaping hole.

So there... just a little bit about me and something to keep me motivated to live a better life.

Heather :)


  • HeHealsMe
    HeHealsMe Posts: 179 Member
    Hi..I'm Nicolette
    Just read your post.
    Congrat's girl.
    No name calling here!
    We all have our problems..mine..addicted to food..emotional eating.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,526 Member
    I quit drinking in 93. I may have a beer once a year and it's usually because I have it with pizza. Nothing wrong with being alcohol free.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • HeHealsMe
    HeHealsMe Posts: 179 Member
    Me again, just wanted to say, glad you're here..we can be real supportive.
    Am glad you're in school..nothing helps heal a heart like keeping busy, and i know that from experience.
    After i hospiced my father (Lung CA) I went back to school to finish my RN (registered Nurse)
    Best thing I could have done.
    For myself, and my family.
    God Bless you, PM me if you need to talk, Nicolette
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Thats a great decision. It won't be easy, but it sounds like you are getting stronger already.

    Not sure if it would be right for you so ignore if not - but your uni might be able to provide access to some professional support or just someone to talk to in confidence. Someone who can lend an ear perhaps.

    Good luck, and remember you have lots of people on here who can offer you a little support when you need it.

  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    Awesome!!! I love a glass of wine but have a son who just cannot drink. Once he starts he can not stop and I'm glad that he has stopped drinking for the most part. I lost my mother years ago when she was only 58. I know how that can affect you. I think that you are taking a big positive step. I also had a friend that was very depressed after her husband left her. She tells me that she lost ten years of her life before she decided to get on with it!!! Good for you!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    No name calling from me....I think you're very brave and insightful, and I wish you all the very best!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Been there with my father and the drink. Props to you - I wish you all the best.
  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    Great that you are making positive changes! Food, alcohol, tobacco...each can be a detrimental addiction in it's own way. This is a website called myfitnesspal, not myweightlosspal, so we are here to support you through this part of your journey to becoming a fit, healthy person as well! :) Always willing to be a supportive friend if you need one!