


  • fittorow
    fittorow Posts: 28
    Let me just say...nutella...oatmeal...best thing ever.
    I like putting dark chocolate chips and bananas in my oatmeal. Almond shavings with brown sugar, blueberries.
    Ahh I love oatmeal.
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    I always make my oatmeal with 50% water and 50% almond milk, for flavor and texture. To that, you can add honey, brown sugar, berries, banana, dried cranberries, raisins, nuts (walnuts, almonds, etc) or peanut butter.

    I personally find it really fun to make cocoa oatmeal, which you can do by adding unsweetened cocoa powder and a sweetener (I use artificial packets, but you could use sugar) and mixing it up for about a minute after you've cooked the oats. For 1/2 cup dry oats (and 1 cup liquid) you only need 2 tsp cocoa powder. Maybe even less. Experiment to see what kinds of things you like!