What are your opinions on diet soda?



  • sem41278
    sem41278 Posts: 89 Member
    I quit it for about 5 weeks and now just have one once a week or so. I find drinking seltzer helps avoid. I just love the bubbles!
  • SuzyLy
    SuzyLy Posts: 133 Member
    I drink it regularly, but am trying to totally switch over to flavored seltzer.
  • Jenlgoody
    Jenlgoody Posts: 1
    I read it actually makes you hungry.
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    I am a diet coke drinker. I work to keep myself at 1 per day. Some days I don't have any at all.

    As everyone says they are not good for you, but we have have our weaknesses, diet coke is mine. But I am getting better.
  • wildhehr2
    wildhehr2 Posts: 122 Member
    Gave up my diet mountain dew from jan. 1, 2012 until may 3, 2012. That's 124 days, if you are curious. Was drinking 2L day before I stopped. I did not lose any weight when I stopped drinking soda...and actually gained, because I ate a LOT of crap trying to not give into my soda craving. I love the taste, and I enjoy relaxing with a can at lunch. My skin DID clear up and look better when I was off the soda, but it wasn't enough for me. I will drink my diet dew (trying to keep it to weekends, as the caffeine does affect my sleep), and drink my water, and be happy.
  • wtdia
    wtdia Posts: 68 Member
    Gave up my diet mountain dew from jan. 1, 2012 until may 3, 2012. That's 124 days, if you are curious. Was drinking 2L day before I stopped. I did not lose any weight when I stopped drinking soda...and actually gained, because I ate a LOT of crap trying to not give into my soda craving. I love the taste, and I enjoy relaxing with a can at lunch. My skin DID clear up and look better when I was off the soda, but it wasn't enough for me. I will drink my diet dew (trying to keep it to weekends, as the caffeine does affect my sleep), and drink my water, and be happy.

    Have you tried the caffeine free diet mountain dew? I think it tastes the same as the caffeinated diet mountain dew. They sell it at Walmart...but I agree it is probably a good idea to stick to NOT drinking 2L per day.....all those chemicals can't be good in that quantity.
  • mcfish618
    mcfish618 Posts: 48 Member
    I used to regular soda and knew I had to stop drinking it as I was drinking a full 2 liter a day and on the weekends would drink 2- 2 liters a day. So I gave it up cold turkey for about 8 months, so then I was craving it again so bad I decided to start drinking diet soda and I did not lose any more weight while drinking diet soda and also would get headaches from it. I then stopped drinking diet soda and went back to just water and unsweetned tea and the weight started coming off again. In my opinion even though I love it I know for me to lose weight it does not matter if it is regular or diet it is not worth drinking it and stalls your weight lose......one thing that has really helped me is I started drinking seltzer water and would add a couple of lemon or lime or orange slices and that has helped me soooo much for giving me that carbonated burn factor that I love from soda.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Gave up diet soda because of the sodium. If I want a carbonated drink I go for the real thing. Would really just prefer water or ice tea.

    I just checked the nutritional label for diet coke - there is only 40mg of sodium in a can.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I used to love Diet Coke and drank it once a day. I read that aspartame causes tumours, cancer and migraines amont other things. So, I stopped drinking soda pop altogether in February. Except last week, I had a gin and 7.
    I can't say that I miss it much. I even stopped drinking Perrier because the bubbles give me burps and its very annoying. Water is my choice and I found out that juice is okay.

    See all the above posts that show that this is a myth.