does mango appetite suppressant work and is it safe?

I've been having a hard time weeding out fake reviews on amazon and other fake websites.. I just bought a deal on lifebooker so wherever I get this mango stuff from, they won't get my credit card info which is good. I'm just wondering if it's safe?

A few years ago I lost 60 lbs in 4 months from taking phentermine and it was seriously a miracle pill.. but I read stuff about not taking it longer than 3 months and it just seemed like medical weight loss, the people who were giving it to me, didn't really know what they were doing and I didn't want to have any severe problems from long term use. I've tried every diet in the book and have never been able to lose weight no matter what I do. Well, now I'm still overweight but not fat enough to be elgible for the pill, so I can't get that anymore, and I've been trying other diets so nothing has worked.. I heard about this mango stuff and I'm curious. Has anyone tried it?


  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    You might not like to hear this... you are going to fail. You are going into this change looking for a magic answer. The answer is will power. You have to have it. An appetite suppressant works to stop you from eating, as soon as you get off it you rebound. You say you follow diet books but if those aren't working for you an appetite suppressant isn't going to work for you for long term either.
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    If it's a fad diet, or a big internet sensation it's probably a false diet that will hurt you more than it's worth. Just eat a healthy balanced diet with protein, veggies & fruit. Drink lots of water, cut out bad sugars & fats. Workout 3-5 times a week and the weight will come off. I've been doing what I just said for a month and I've lost 8 pounds. From what I've learned there is no shortcut diet, fast weight loss, or easy way around it.

    It took me 22 years to get up to 270 pounds, so if it takes 5 to get 70lbs off, so be it! Hope this helps!
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Eating the mango will help with apetite
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Safe? Most likely. Work? Most likely not.

    You're better off eating a diet high in protein and fiber if you're having problems with hunger.