Anybody used an online personal trainer program?

I had heard about Plus One Active and know there are also other programs out there that help you design an exercise plan by taking a test and talking to someone online about your specific goals. Has anyone worked with an online trainer and/or website and do you have an opinion on whether it is a good idea? Thank you!


  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I had heard about Plus One Active and know there are also other programs out there that help you design an exercise plan by taking a test and talking to someone online about your specific goals. Has anyone worked with an online trainer and/or website and do you have an opinion on whether it is a good idea? Thank you!

    My personal opinion is that you don't need to spend money at ALL on your exercise! Besides "working with your numbers" in the food log, I've managed to lose all the weight that I wanted to with just walking, and dancing to a fast oldies CD that my husband made for me with all my old favorites such as "Love Shack", "Gloria", "Mony Mony", "Footloose", etc. In the last month, I also got the Wii Fit, and jog along with that, but, of course, THAT cost money! I'd lost most of my weight anyway by the time I got that though.
    I'm sure there will be plenty of others telling you to join a gym, but, I just can't see spending money on something like that when you can do it for free! :laugh: :smile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    If you dont understand the exercises and how they work together, this is a great program for 40 bucks. I hired a trainer for 20 visits and learned that you never do the biceps without doing the triceps, back goes with chest and shoulders go with either. I wouldnt not have known this w/o someone to explain it to me.

    I may even sign up for this program as it looks good!!

  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Given the number of personal trainers hanging out on every street corner, why would you want to work with someone who can't even see you in person, evaluate your form, etc?

    I don't know--maybe I'm the dumb one, giving it away for free.
  • planetcitygirl73
    planetcitygirl73 Posts: 57 Member
    Well so far I've only lost 32 pounds in 6 months and although I follow the food plan and exercise 5 days a week, I have lost 1 pound in the past month. I mostly walk, although I have started up swimming. But I would like to have someone customize a specific plan for me to maximize my weight loss and deal with my specific issues without having to pay hundreds of dollars when I can't even afford to join a gym right now, much less get a personal trainer who usually charges $40/hour. So that is why I thought the $39 for talking to someone online would help. As I said in the first post, if someone has experience with this or knows anything about it, I'd appreciate hearing from them as well. Thanks.
  • lilmonita
    lilmonita Posts: 31
    I read everyone else's replies before I decided to hit the "reply" button.

    "why pay for someone you can't see in person..."

    "waste of money..."

    I'm here to tell you, though. I work with an online personal trainer. I love him. He creates all my menus and all my workout routines. One of the reasons I love having it is that I am aiming to compete. He helps me get over those weight/lifiting plateaus that I probably wouldn't have gotten over myself. Also, when I go to the gym with females, they give me this attitude like, "pssh, like you even NEED to go to the gym," and then I feel isolated and lost. I've worked my *kitten* of to get to where I am now.

    We all have.

    I enjoy working online also because I'm in the Military. I travel. I deploy. Etc etc. Test run one if you want. If you hate it, then you hate it. It's not for everyone, but I love it.

    I am on

  • planetcitygirl73
    planetcitygirl73 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks for the input, Lilmonita. That's exactly the kind of first-hand input I was looking for.
  • stephica
    stephica Posts: 164 Member
    Well so far I've only lost 32 pounds in 6 months and although I follow the food plan and exercise 5 days a week, I have lost 1 pound in the past month. I mostly walk, although I have started up swimming. But I would like to have someone customize a specific plan for me to maximize my weight loss and deal with my specific issues without having to pay hundreds of dollars when I can't even afford to join a gym right now, much less get a personal trainer who usually charges $40/hour. So that is why I thought the $39 for talking to someone online would help. As I said in the first post, if someone has experience with this or knows anything about it, I'd appreciate hearing from them as well. Thanks.

    ONLY 32 pounds? Come on, Give yourself some credit. :tongue:

    Either way, I would say try it out, For 40 dollars it would be a great experience. I have learned my workout routines from a friend (her boyfriend is a personal trainer, so he taught her) but I really wouldn't mind hearing more about it if you plan on going further with it. Good luck.
  • stephica
    stephica Posts: 164 Member

    I am on


    How much do they charge at fitorbit?
  • lilmonita
    lilmonita Posts: 31
    It varies depending on how many weeks you purchase. I pay $10/week.

    Let me know if you want any more information.

    :heart: ,
  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    I don't like to talk about it because it is embarassing (I am so fat now) but I was a personal trainer before I had my last child 4 years ago. And from my experience people who haven't done much weight training often do exercises with bad form that may lead to injury. I would recomemd that if you haven't done much weight training that you get some sessions with a personal trainer in person first so they can correct your form. Then when you are confident that you use good form then you can use an online trainer. It's up to you but from experience I know how badly most poeple perform simple exercises and I would hate you to end up with an injury. Anyway, just something to think about.:wink:
  • lilmonita
    lilmonita Posts: 31
    I don't like to talk about it because it is embarassing (I am so fat now) but I was a personal trainer before I had my last child 4 years ago. And from my experience people who haven't done much weight training often do exercises with bad form that may lead to injury. I would recomemd that if you haven't done much weight training that you get some sessions with a personal trainer in person first so they can correct your form. Then when you are confident that you use good form then you can use an online trainer. It's up to you but from experience I know how badly most poeple perform simple exercises and I would hate you to end up with an injury. Anyway, just something to think about.:wink:

    I completely agree. That's one of the reasons I won't spend a lot of money on one. I've been "playin' this game" for a long time. I feel like paying for a personal trainer (to me) is like paying for a babysitter. I do, however, like the online one because it gives me someone to bounce ideas off of. Also, it keeps me accountable to someone who's goals are more similar to mine. A lot of my girlfriends want to go to the gym, hop on the stairmaster for 30 minutes, sit in the steam room, & call it a day. They don't want to do shoulder presses, barbell bicep curls, and plyo push-ups w/me. Also, when I tell them "I only curled the 30 lb. bar today," they give me feedback like, "Please..." as if I'm annoying them with my fitness just because they can't/won't do as much.

    This is, of course, just my opinion. And, I agree that if you're inexperienced with weight training, a "REAL" trainer can be a big help in preventing injury.

    Good luck!
  • benw
    benw Posts: 211 Member
    I have started to use a personal trainer at the gym. It does help and I do not see how he could do what he does for me online. He corrects my posture, form and also pushes me harder then I do myself and I thought I pushed myself but he pushes me harder. He is also there to spot me so that I dont get hurt.