How important is it to watch sugar?



  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    You are aware you can manually go in and update your goals and up your sugar grams per day??? MFP generally sets it very very low. Just FYI
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    Keep in mind that there is a difference in the way your body uses natural sugar versus refined sugar. If you include natural sugar in the 25 grams, then it is very difficult to strive for. Google Jillian Michaels for info on this. I have read some good articles on her site. She even tells you which fruits to not pick as your first choices, due to sugar.

    Good luck.

    P.S. I have a lot of trouble controlling my sugar. This is a daily issue for me.
    This is false. Sugar is sugar. Sugar in fruit and refined sugar are the exact same sugar molecules, and they are processed by the body in the exact same way. The human body doesn't recognize "fruit," it recognizes individual molecules. Sugar from a candy bar looks exactly the same as sugar from an apple.

    NOT SO! What the first post says:
    All forms of concentrated sugar - white sugar, brown sugar, malt, glucose, honey and syrup - are fast releasing, causing a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. If this sugar is not required by the body, it is put into storage, eventually emerging as fat. Most concentrated forms of sugar are also devoid of vitamins and minerals, unlike the natural sources such as fruit. Without vitamins and minerals our metabolism becomes inefficient, contributing to poor energy and poor weight control. Fruit contains a the simple sugar fructose, which needs no digesting and can therefore enter the bloodstream quickly, like glucose or sucrose. However, UNLIKE them it is classified as slow releasing. This is because the body cannot use fructose as it is, since cells run only on glucose. As a result, the fructose first has to be converted by the body into glucose, which effectively slows down this sugar's effect on the metabolism. Some fruit, such as grapes and dates, also contain pure glucose and are therefore faster releasing...but apples and dark berries contain almost exclusively fructose so they are slow releasing. It's ALL about glycemic response, ask any diabetic about that.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I'm diabetic. It's not important for me to watch sugar - it is important for me to strictly watch carbs. By restricting my carbohydrates, I naturally reduce my sugar intake.
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    I'm diabetic. It's not important for me to watch sugar - it is important for me to strictly watch carbs. By restricting my carbohydrates, I naturally reduce my sugar intake.

    Yeah, because it's the same thing... Refined carbs such as white flour baked goods, white rice, and refined cereals have the same effect as refined sugar. Energy surge followed by energy drop as the body scrambles to balance blood sugar levels. Glycemic Index...
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Here's a great post about the glycemic index and how it's mostly useless:
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    I'm a nutritionist. GI index is not just a weight loss issue to me, it's a health issue. I will never advocate high GI, refined sugar/carb ain't gonna happen. My job is to advise those, and ONLY those, who come to me ready and willing to make good food choices, and ultimately any one of them can still eat as they please.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I'm diabetic. It's not important for me to watch sugar - it is important for me to strictly watch carbs. By restricting my carbohydrates, I naturally reduce my sugar intake.

    Yeah, because it's the same thing... Refined carbs such as white flour baked goods, white rice, and refined cereals have the same effect as refined sugar. Energy surge followed by energy drop as the body scrambles to balance blood sugar levels. Glycemic Index...

    Actually, I've found the glycemic index fairly useless in gaining control of my BG levels. Refined carbs or those wonderful "whole grains" ...doesn't matter. Fructose has an effect similar to sucrose ... for me. Oatmeal might as well be white rice (or brown rice) A sweet potato has the same effect as an Idaho potato. I can eat about 1/4 c of berries or beans without an appreciable rise in BG. I concentrate on hitting my macros for protein and fat and staying under my limit for carbs. YMMV, of course.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'm a nutritionist. GI index is not just a weight loss issue to me, it's a health issue. I will never advocate high GI, refined sugar/carb ain't gonna happen. My job is to advise those, and ONLY those, who come to me ready and willing to make good food choices, and ultimately any one of them can still eat as they please.

    And how then, under a controlled diet where energy intake does not exceed expenditure, are high glycemic foods unhealthy?

    Are refined sugars inherently bad for you in the context of a diet that meets micronutrient sufficiency and is not hypercaloric?

    And what do you think of James Krieger's work?
  • melodymist
    melodymist Posts: 43 Member
    I watch my sugar. It's also set to 25g a day but I notice that if I have 1 glass of milk, 1 serving of low fat yogurt and 1 fruit I'm already over. Aaaah well haha
  • nasja1984
    nasja1984 Posts: 98 Member
    Question... I've been looking at some other people's diaries and not many seem to be keeping track of sugar... do you not feel it's important?

    I have been told (and have been trying) to keep my sugar under 25g/day, but a couple pieces of fruit will max that out and I notice many of you eat 4-5 servings of fruit a day. Just wondering if I'm putting too much emphasis on it. Thoughts?

    That is natural sugar and at times can be difficult like sodium, to keep a lid on it. The only way to keep it under control is to not eat anything unnatural and even then it's no guarantee you'll stay under. It is good that we are aware of how easy it is to get excess sugar. Natural sugar still is bad for some people. Refined sugar is EVIL. lol Good thing you are noticing that!
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    Here's a great post about the glycemic index and how it's mostly useless:

    Sorry there, Sidesteal but any link that references this forum for science behind body mechanism has no weight to me. Too many people self proclaim to know it all on these forums.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Here's a great post about the glycemic index and how it's mostly useless:

    Sorry there, Sidesteal but any link that references this forum for science behind body mechanism has no weight to me. Too many people self proclaim to know it all on these forums.

    Sorry there Goldn326, but the post is well referenced and links outside of MFP. Maybe you should actually read it instead of arbitrarily dismissing it?

    If you don't put any weight into Alan Aragon or pubmed,, then I really don't know what else to say other than good luck with your fitness and sugar tracking goals in 2012.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Admittedly, I didn't read through all the responses, but...

    IMO, tracking anything beyond the big 3 macros is a waste of energy unless you have some extenuating health issue that requires you to do so. Keep your total cals where they should be, have a good balance of fats/carbs/proteins and go on with your life.
  • amillee
    amillee Posts: 20
    I feel like no one has really addressed the issue of "how much sugar should a person have?" I KNOW the difference in natural v. refined... and how our bodies break it down, etc...

    Maybe there's no "right" answer... I'm just looking for specifics... like "x amount from natural is okay, but keep all other to x or lower."
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I feel like no one has really addressed the issue of "how much sugar should a person have?" I KNOW the difference in natural v. refined... and how our bodies break it down, etc...

    Maybe there's no "right" answer... I'm just looking for specifics... like "x amount from natural is okay, but keep all other to x or lower."

    There is no right answer because it's different for everyone. Bodies respond differently to exercise, calories, nutrients, etc. If you want a specific number, go to a doctor and have a full blood workup done, then consult a nutritionist who can address it specifically for you and your body.
  • Thorne5
    Thorne5 Posts: 3
    I think it's important to watch sugar also, but if the sugar your getting is from fruits than it's not as bad. Fruits higher on the glycemic index are sweeter, but if that's the only fruit you like it's better to eat that than something else. I also watch my sugar intake because diabetes runs in my family. I have also learned that if I eat some sugars ex; cookies or sweet stuff, than I crave sugary foods more.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Keep in mind that there is a difference in the way your body uses natural sugar versus refined sugar. If you include natural sugar in the 25 grams, then it is very difficult to strive for. Google Jillian Michaels for info on this. I have read some good articles on her site. She even tells you which fruits to not pick as your first choices, due to sugar.

    Good luck.

    P.S. I have a lot of trouble controlling my sugar. This is a daily issue for me.
    This is false. Sugar is sugar. Sugar in fruit and refined sugar are the exact same sugar molecules, and they are processed by the body in the exact same way. The human body doesn't recognize "fruit," it recognizes individual molecules. Sugar from a candy bar looks exactly the same as sugar from an apple.

    NOT SO! What the first post says:
    All forms of concentrated sugar - white sugar, brown sugar, malt, glucose, honey and syrup - are fast releasing, causing a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. If this sugar is not required by the body, it is put into storage, eventually emerging as fat. Most concentrated forms of sugar are also devoid of vitamins and minerals, unlike the natural sources such as fruit. Without vitamins and minerals our metabolism becomes inefficient, contributing to poor energy and poor weight control. Fruit contains a the simple sugar fructose, which needs no digesting and can therefore enter the bloodstream quickly, like glucose or sucrose. However, UNLIKE them it is classified as slow releasing. This is because the body cannot use fructose as it is, since cells run only on glucose. As a result, the fructose first has to be converted by the body into glucose, which effectively slows down this sugar's effect on the metabolism. Some fruit, such as grapes and dates, also contain pure glucose and are therefore faster releasing...but apples and dark berries contain almost exclusively fructose so they are slow releasing. It's ALL about glycemic response, ask any diabetic about that.

    *sigh* First off, sucrose is 50% fructose, which would mean half of the "refined" sugar is fructose, so if fructose is all slow releasing and not bad for anybody, then half of all refined sugar is perfectly fine. Secondly, most fruit contains various combinations of sucrose, glucose, fructose, galactose, and maltose, with the majority being actual sucrose, followed by fructose (leading to a majority by molecule of fructose, because of the fructose in sucrose added to the free fructose.) As for vitamins and minerals in the fruit, that's a completely irrelevant argument, as nobody is talking about a diet with nutrient deficiency. If you get enough nutrients from your diet in general, then your body's metabolism is perfectly fine, even if you eat pure table sugar. Also, fructose spikes blood sugar almost as well as glucose, the information you're spreading is rather outdated.

    Bottom line, sugar metabolism is identical, regardless of source. Glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, and galactose are always metabolized in the exact same way, it doesn't matter what food you eat them in.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I feel like no one has really addressed the issue of "how much sugar should a person have?" I KNOW the difference in natural v. refined... and how our bodies break it down, etc...

    Maybe there's no "right" answer... I'm just looking for specifics... like "x amount from natural is okay, but keep all other to x or lower."
    The upper recommendation for sugar for a healthy person, from all sources, including fruit, dairy, and discretionary is about 100 grams a day.
  • nasja1984
    nasja1984 Posts: 98 Member
    I feel like no one has really addressed the issue of "how much sugar should a person have?" I KNOW the difference in natural v. refined... and how our bodies break it down, etc...

    Maybe there's no "right" answer... I'm just looking for specifics... like "x amount from natural is okay, but keep all other to x or lower."

    You are correct, no one addresses it, because unless you have issues with it, it will probably not be an issue for you. You can search the internet and rarely will you find a definative answer. You can check Livestrong, WebMD, Mayo Clinic. etc. Assuming there's no predisposition to diabetes or other insulin related issues, natural sugar is probably fine over the "limit" MFP has as it's default. In sodium, a lot of people go over that as well, yet some doctors prescribe sodium/salt pills for people with very low BP.
    Sugar does not have a RDA like Iron, Vitamin A, C, etc. These are just guidelines. Fruit is good for you, but there is such a thing as too much fruit. Moderation is the key. I know you are just looking for a definative amount for sugar. There is not one. You will be successful though in your endeavors because you are questioning things. You will keep doing this. The more you learn, the more you will want to increase your knowlegebase on nutrition. This is a very good sign!
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    having once been on 170 units of insulin a day... for me watching sugar intake is important. I usually watch sugar content...I keep sugar content to a low of no more than 8 grams per 100 cal for an item… now mind you some fruits do have high sugar content so one has to choose wisely.
    I still eat fruit, and yes they do range up to 14 grams per 100 cal...but fruit for me are ok.... they contain so much more that IS healthy...fiber being one.

    I am no longer on insulin and my blood sugars are normal. watching my sugars will always be important to me.... i want to remain healthy and insulin free.