Couch to 5K



  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I am so happy to read that people were in the same boat as me and now they like running. I am going to look for the app on my phone to help me along.

    My original plan was to work out every other day, but now that I have done it for about a week I feel guilty for skipping days. Maybe I can do the couch to 5 k every other day, and just walk at a brisk pace the other days.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member

    Here are lots of people who successfully completed Couch to 5k.

    All I can tell you: Start slow! If an interval is too hard to run, slow down even more. In the beginning it's all about finishing the intervalls.

    ^this. Start slow. If you're not used to running, the impact can kill your knees and hips, especially if you're out of shape. What I did when started trying to get into it (still trying - can't always find the time - need to buy a treadmill) was I started off at 30 second intervals, 3-5 intervals in a 1.5 to 2 mile walk. Then I worked up to a minute. C25K starts you out at 1.5 minute intervals I believe.

    Also, invest in a good pair of running shoes. Find a specialty store that will analyze the way you walk and run in order to find the best shoe for your foot, your body, and your running style. Better shoes means less chance of injury.