14 lbs in over 100 day???



  • There are some good reciepes going on here. I can't really cook either...I'm 28 but I have the palate (preference) of a 5 year old. If I could, I would live on grilled cheese, fries and chicken nuggest for the rest of my life if I could.

    I'm right there with you and i LOVE bacon cheeseburgers :-D
  • You also mentioned Weight Watchers. Are you aware that some of the "healthy" frozen dinners are aligned with the WW points program? They are also great for getting a full meal while managing your caloric intake. I personally like Healthy Choice and Lean Cruisine. Many of the dinners are really tasty.

    Tomato Pesto by Lean Cruisine is my absolute favorite.

    My issues with the frozen meals because i was doing that for a while, is that there is SOOO much sodium and i already consume alot of sodium even though i never add salt to ANYTHING
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    Numbers wise its almost a pound a week. What do you have your weight loss goal on MFP set to? You can choose between .5, 1, 1.5 or 2lbs per week I think. Not supposed to healthily lose more then 2lbs per week but sometimes it happens.

    Are you adding exercise in with your calorie modification? Even walking for a few minutes a day and gradually increasing it to 30 min or more a day will help with the calorie goals and make you feel better too.

    Personally, I am a very very picky eater, always have been. I have been logging my food for almost 2 weeks now and my starting goal "diet" wise is to cut back on the amount of each thing that I am eating and picking things that are a little healthier. My vice is soda and its very hard to keep track of how much soda I am drinking so when I use my phone to put it in to my diary it helps me keep it to just 1 soda instead of refilling the glass. I know soda is one of those things that should be immediately cut out but I really kind of don't want to so for now I am working on cutting back.

    Maybe you could get your boyfriends mom to teach you a few of your favorite recipes that she makes?

    An easy healthy recipe that I make is to take some boneless skinless chicken breasts, sprinkle lemon pepper or another tasty seasoning on them and then stick them in the oven. 350 degrees at least 15 - 20 minutes just keep checking to make sure they aren't pink in the middle and note that time that it took. I flip mine over once just so they don't stick to the pan and cook more evenly but I don't think you have to. The lemon pepper seasoning is calorie free though its got a bit of sodium if you are watching out for that and the chicken is under 200 cals.

    If you buy a package with a few breasts in it and cook them at the same time then you can put each breast in a ziplock bag and then eat them just as a piece of chicken, or on salads (if you eat them), on sandwiches with those little thin buns, or cut them up and wrap them up like a taco. My SO cuts them into pieces and mixes them in with instant brown rice and whatever leftover corn or whatever we have. If you have the money they sell chicken breasts in the lunch meat section. Different flavors and you just cook it for 60sec in microwave and then done for sandwich or salad or whatever.

    I do have it set at 1 lb a week but i just seem to gain then lose then gain then lose the gain and gain then lose. its just irritating

    Yes i add whatever i do, even if its only for 10 min i'll add it. I try not to eat my exercise calories unless i need to but i dont make a point to eat them.

    Ya, i cut out pop too. I use drink at least 2 2 liters a day. i cut it out cold turkey and i didnt lose a lb. i havent had pop in over 6-9 months. i cant even stand the taste anymore. i drink 6-14 glasses of water a day

    and i would have her teach me but i dont like left overs and i have no one to cook for :-/ and i dont want to cook for just me

    The chicken idea sounds good but i dont know what kind of seasoning and again i cant cook, i dont like baked chicken, i live in Michigan so grilling is ok like 4 or 5 months outta the year and pan frying is to messy.
    and i dont like brown rice i like white rice of course bc its more calories

    The little packages of fresh chicken breasts in the lunch meat section sound like they would be good for you to try. I got some for my SO for lunch at work because he works 17hrs per day and is tired of peanut butter for lunch. They come 2 to a pack. There are different flavors, mesquite, or lemon pepper. Each of the 2 breasts are individually sealed. You just take one out and it cooks for 60sec and then you have a perfectly prepared chicken breast. I understand about the left overs I'm not a fan either. The reason I make the baked lemon pepper chicken now is because I like rotisserie chicken from the store and that's the easiest way to make it without an actual rotisserie. It really tasted almost like it was grilled. If you like grilling you could get one of the little George Foremen grills. Very easy to clean no greasy mess splattering like frying. I like garlic salt for chicken on the grill.

    I cook for 4 so my roasts are pretty big, BUT I think you could get around that by asking your butcher to cut the roast you want to buy into smaller chunks. Like 1 roast would make 5 cuts like the size of a steak I guess. Then put the "roast" pork or beef doesn't matter into a slow cooker with a tiny bit of water at the bottom to prevent sticking and sprinkle garlic salt on it, or seasoned salt, or just plain salt and pepper. That't it. No crazy recipes.

    In the store the seasonings I mentioned are:
    Lemon Pepper (for chicken)
    Seasoned Salt (for pork mainly)
    Salt and pepper (anything)
    Garlic salt (chicken or roasts)

    They will be easy to find and named exactly like that. I grew up southern so no weird recipes for me just plain old down home cooking.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I was thinking of dropping down to 2000 but i dont want to put my body into starvation mode bc its not use to eating that little so i wanted to do it slowly

    Based on your information I would consider somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000 calories. You don't have to worry about "Starvation mode".

    Please read this article by Steve Troutman. I would also encourage you to read the other articles on this page. Steve has great things to say:


    Interesting article.

    OP: I usually never recommend eating less - but in this case, this is a really good suggestion.
  • mangotruck
    mangotruck Posts: 28 Member
    I know I've already spammed the hell out of your profile but I really want to help you. The Weight Watcher's Smart Ones have an average of 400-600 mg of sodium. Compared to eating fast food or a can of soup, that's doing pretty good. Lean Cuisines are also one of the leaders of lower sodium microwave meals.

    I'm a full time student and I work full time. I don't have time or the place to cook, either, so I get that. But there are still things you can do. Eggs can be easily made in the microwave, there are decent microwave meals out there, get a bag of mixed vegetables from Meijer and some low fat dip. Look into buying almonds or Pop Chips. Popcorn is also good provided there's not a ton of butter on it. Protein bars and shakes are good if you're on the go.

    Subway is such a good place to eat but eat a six inch sub and get one of the Fresh N Fit sides or whatever. The reason you are going up and down is most likely because of water weight so keep an eye on the sodium in the lunch meat and biscuits and cheese. Read labels

    You gotta be adaptable if you feel like this lifestyle isn't working for you anymore.
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    Oh I totally forgot ... Go to your local grocery store and look for Shrataki Noodles I am not sure if I am spelling that correctly but they are like 20 cals a bag and taste like buttery Asian style noodles. Rinse well and pan fry Super easy and ultra filling ... and a little meat and some low cal terriaki sauce and you will have a yummy filling like 200ish cal meal My best friend just told me about them and I can't believe how good they are !

    Also eggs, sausage, bacon, broth/ soup... all super filling and low cal

    Or string cheese =)

    gotta get cookin girl!
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    Dropping it down to around 2,000-2,200 is a smart idea considering you're 6'1. You're not going to go into starvation mode.

    Also, try cutting down on the amount of fast food you eat. Looking at your diary; you seem to eat a lot of mcdonalds, pizza, etc.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Firstly, 14 lbs is great, and I personally believe that slow and steady is better than too fast. So, well done for what you've achieved so far. If you want to make some more changes, I'd definitely recommend learning to cook. I know this might sound harsh, but you're really just making a choice not to. Learning some simple dishes from a cookbook, or from the millions of recipes on the internet, is not that hard. I've lived alone and I know it's not much fun to just cook for yourself, but with a little effort and determination, you can make it a habit. Think of it as a commitment to your own health. Set yourself little challenges of new dishes and it can even be fun! Recipes can easily be scaled down for one person. You can also make things ahead of time in bulk and divide into portions and freeze them. Then, during the week, you can just take something out of the freezer and it's as easy as a ready meal.

    I also know what it's like to be a picky eater, because I was for years (still am a bit!) Again, it just takes a bit of effort and determination to try new things, and not just try them once, but a few times to get your palate used to them. Kind of like getting a kid to start liking something! Since I started on MFP I've found myself eating (and eventually liking) a whole load of new foods. There are still some things I just won't eat, but I've been surprised how many things I've started to like. Even if you don't want to do that, with a bit of creativity you can still tweak recipes to fit what you do like.

    I don't mean this to sound too harsh, but you've got to decide if your weight loss is worth stepping out of your comfort zone. It can be done without learning to cook, but being able to cook for yourself will make it so much easier for you to control your calorie intake, as well as sodium. And wouldn't it be kind of fun to have your boyfriend over to your place and cook for him? Maybe even his mother too, and repay the favour? :smile: