Shouldn't I be losing more by now?

I am so confused. I started MFP in March, and have been doing 1200 calories a day since then. I will admit I built in "cheat days" once a week so I wouldn't be overwhelmed, and to keep my metabolism in order. However, I wasn't losing any weight. A friend told me about the Scarsdale Diet which is usually thought of as ineffective and old-fashioned. But I was desperate, and she said she loses 10 pounds every time she does it. (and yes, she said she at times gains back because she goes back to poor eating habits...which will ALWAYS happen no matter what weight-loss plan you use. You have to stay on track!) So, I lost about 6 pounds in a week and a half, and it hasn't come back. I only did the plan for that week and a half, and have been eating normally since then. I haven't gained or lost anything in two weeks. The only weight I lost was during that time-frame, and now it seems my body is "stuck" again. Any ideas about what could be going on? I am eating a healthy mix of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and have been cutting carbs and increasing protein. And I never go over in the fat or sodium areas... What gives?!


  • perceptivechaos
    I have always considered myself to be a very rational, even intelligent person. However, I'm pretty sure most of this makes no sense to me. I know exactly zip about weight loss, and never needed to until this last year. I've always eaten healthy and gotten moderate exercise and been a healthy weight. So "speaking Greek" to me is not helping. I know it is all very clear and simple to you... but I have no idea what you are talking about! Thanks for trying, though!
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    I suggest opening up your diary as you'll be able to get a more rounded and considered feedback and suggestions.
  • kelleymj
    kelleymj Posts: 102 Member