Almost 34 with 70lbs to lose

lilteddy78 Posts: 93 Member
My birthday is at the end of the month. I've been slowly losing weight since August of 2011. I have just started tracking it and making myself accountable for everything I am eating.

Just a little background on me.....I work with special needs adults - moderate to severe. I have two children one 8 almost 9 and the other is 4. This year I will have been married for 11 years. I have yo-yo'd for many years since I was 18. I am ready to take control of my life.

I am having a hard time choosing the right foods to eat. I don't want to make excuses for anything. I am taking this one day at a time. I know I have a long road ahead. My first goal is to make it below 200lbs. I have about 25lbs to go.

Thanks for reading. I just needed to put it out there and make myself more accountable for my actions.


  • tmoneylove41
    Hi seems like we have the same goal I am 280 and being just under 200 would be like the best thing for me.. can I add you as a friend
  • lilteddy78
    lilteddy78 Posts: 93 Member
    Sure :)
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 282 Member
    I cant wait until I'm under 200. It has been a good 5 years since ive been that small.
  • labwalker
    labwalker Posts: 5
    Hi writing everthing down certainly helps. Enjoy your food, and enjoy the new you