Give Me Some Good "ZEROs"!

Would you drink bleach if it made you drop 10LB in two weeks?

How about pickle juice? I find myself eating a lot of pickles as they are "zeros" across the board and find that if you dunk a long straw into the deep GreenLiquid it taste like a fancy island drink. It has become my new energy drink for whenever i need a flavor boost and unfiltered city water from the tap just isn't enough. Though i love Monster drinks i'd rather satisfy my quench with a 0 rather than 100 calories per serving; OK they do make Monster - Absolutely Zero Energy Drink, but i'm a cheapskate and like virtually free better (you do still have to buy the pickles). I've even been experimenting with banana pepper and jalapeno juice with not too shabby results.

i also have a love of LEMONS and use them everywhere i can: in water, eggs, salads, soups...Like Converse...Everywhere. I've yet to try the LemonPickle combo, but i'm sure it's just a matter of time.Also from the zero family.

i was wondering if there are a lot of other members from the Zero family tree that i've yet to discover and would appreciate any knowledge you can dump on me. i know there was probably a basic Nutrition 101 course in college i should have taken,but i was about 175 in those days, and they had this thing called GIRLS that seem to consume...

the 10LB in two weeks thing; Who knows? i have heard in dark, shabby, alleys that drinking anything with a lot of vinegar content is supposed to help you shred and if the intake is at a zero caloric count, and keeps you from drinking something else that does add, it can't be all bad. Don't hesitate to share your pink squishy brains with me!

No, i'm not a Zombie. ThankQ for asking.
