Struggling 2 keep motivated

Hi all

For the last few weeks I've been feeling less and less motivated 2 stick to my cals and exercise. Iv been trying to loss weight since feb and have only lost 11 lbs it's really bugging me as Iv got 9 stone to loss I keep thinking 2 myself oh why bother as its not cumming off any way.
I don't know what to do to keep me going. I think if I get the 1st stone off it might help me to carry on but it's just getting to it .

Please help

Thanks for reading


  • Kaylyn221
    Kaylyn221 Posts: 123
    You just have to keep reminding yourself that this takes time. Losing weight and getting on a more healthier lifestyle takes time and won't happen overnight. You've lost 11 so that's something, why stop now? The more you get on track, the easier it will be and before you know it a healthy lifestyle will be second nature :smile:
  • shannairl
    shannairl Posts: 65
    I just replied to a similar topic, please read my reply, I can't type it all out again :bigsmile:

    You can do it. And 11lbs is FANTASTIC. Have you felt a 1lb weight, or even a 5lb one? I do the 30-Day Shred with two 4.4lb weights and they are HEAVY. You've gotten rid of over 2 of those that you were carrying around. Well done!
    TAMMYCLARK62 Posts: 102
    Just think of what you have accomplished and not what you have left to do....set small goals for yourself and try doing something new...sometimes your body gets bored too. Try setting yourself some small challenges like weekly....doing something new always helps me......keep active and think all helps....don't give up on yourself.....remember you are worth the effort,,,,good luck
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    Ive been feeling the same today. 115 days and I'm only at 15lbs. But Ive not GAINED 15..that gotta be a bonus right?
  • Baybbee123
    Baybbee123 Posts: 57 Member
    I am feeling the exact same way too. It is incredibly frustrating. I'm not at a point to give up but I am seriously struggling on how to kick start up again. I started this journey last October and lost a bunch of water weight (15lbs fell off really quickly). I stopped around the holidays (of course) and then started back up again 50 days ago. In 50 days, I think I have only lost less than 10 lbs. And it is very discouraging because I am a big girl (I have well over 100 lbs to lose to get to my "true" ultimate goal). I guess since the water weight fell off quickly, and I backed off a bit, I expected it to begin to fall off a bit faster than it has in 50 days.

    I agree with the others, 10 lbs down is better than 10 lbs up, but I completely feel and sympathize with your frustration. There are tiny tips I could offer that I've heard, but since I am just beginning to test them myself, I wouldn't be the best at giving any advice based on experience. But please don't give up. I know it's really frustrating and discouraging, but just keep doing what you are doing, and eventually it WILL fall off. It may take time, I've known it to take people well over 100 days to lose 30 lbs (I am beginning to think I will be on this track!), but they did lose it - so there is hope yet.

    If you'd like, or anyone for that matter feeling this way, feel free to friend/message me and we can talk some more if you want. We can help push each other to stay motivated and keep going - because I sure know I feel the exact same way as you!