male or female personal trainer?



  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Thanks everyone for your thoughts! Hopefully it will go well this evening! :-) I'm nervous, but it is starting to feel like an excited kind of nervous!
  • minibusx
    minibusx Posts: 50
    Hi I had a private female personal trainer and I to was a little weary. But she was fab she pushed me further than I thought I could go and then some more :sad: lol
    But you just need to find somehow who is committed to helping you reach your goals and be truthful to you about it :flowerforyou:
    I learnt soooooo much priceless info from her :smile:
    So I would say just go with it!!! make sure it works for you and when you come out of that session you should feel like you've never worked so hard in your life lol x
    best of luck with it x x
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    I've worked with both and both kicked my *kitten*! Just make sure they are knowledgeable and know what your goals are and have a plan set up for you. I did have one trainer before my last two who kept me back from what I could do. He took a different position and that was when I met Justin and boy did he push me. He knew me better then I knew myself. He knew what I could do even though I was like "I can't do that"..but yet I did it! Sadly he took antoher rule but I then started training with his partner Wendy and since they train the same I didn't see a difference between a male and a female. It's all about the connection you have with your trainer and trust! Good luck tonight!
  • BrittanyCheatham
    I used a man and women,
    Although I was more comfortable with a women, I found I liked the mans training was better.
    He was more laid back, but also kicked my butt. To me I found the women didn't care how weak or new I was at excersising she just thought bec of my age and weight I should be doing more.
    But I don't think that that's all women trainers but that's my experience.
    I also thought that having a man, took me alittle out of my conform zone and made me push alittle harder. Sounds crazy but for me it was easier to give up infront of a women then it was a man so I kept pushing and pushing myself.
    I hope whoever you get you enjoy them and you get great results.
    Just remember to pay attention bec whatever they teach you you can do on your own so you no longer have to chip that money out.:)
    I know you can do it. And I'm sure
    Once you get used to it you'll enjoy it and want to go back!
    I would always leave energized and feeling better
    For the day!
    Good luck chic!
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    The personal trainer I was seeing for a while owned her own business with her husband. The way it worked was I did strength with her and then I could go in when ever I wanted and do cardio on the machines. I never worked with her husband but being there doing cardio while he was with clients I got to see how he handled his sessions compared to hers. First I really liked her, but after a while of talking and getting to know each other, it seemed like I became more of a therapist, where I would here about her daughters and her problems. I felt like I couldn't get a thorough workout because I was just chatting, and it never seemed like I was doing enough for the 30minutes I was with her. Especially for how much I was paying. When I saw her husband training, he wouldn't chat as much and he always did the exercises with the clients. He just seemed more focused on the workout and not on becoming best friends. I still really like the lady trainer, we work in the same complex and I see her often, but if I ever go back I'd pick times with her husband. And this is not saying all women trainers are like this, just my experience.
  • rachaelps
    rachaelps Posts: 38 Member
    I started with a female trainer who was amazing. She kicked my *kitten* and didn't let me quit. When I moved I switched to a male trainer and while we got along really well - he was too easy on me. I didn't renew with him when my sessions ended.
  • riadastfu
    riadastfu Posts: 69
    I've had both.

    The female one is more... knowledgeable about the hardships of losing weight as a female. She's of course more understanding about the weight fluctuations that hormones do and all that.

    On the other hand, my male trainer pushes me more, which I also find good.

    In the end it came down to a matter of preference. I like my male trainer's personality more, so I just took what I learned from my female trainer and apply it while using my male trainer. Best of both worlds.