Green Tea?



  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    I've been drinking green tea for as long as I can remember. I drink it basically like water, since I've never really liked juices or soda. (Except orange juice, which I used to love, but cut out of my diet since being diagnosed diabetic.) I don't drink it in particular for weight loss, but because it's just _so healthy_ for you. It's good for your skin, hair, helps reduce risks to cancer, heart disease, etc. It's full of antioxidants (flavonoids) and one of the best source of catechins around, which is what they say helps reduce total body fat.

    I love it. Especially matcha green tea! <3
  • mjhuff1121
    mjhuff1121 Posts: 112
    I started drinking it because in the winter I always wanted something hot.... Hot Apple Cider, Cappuccino, Hot Chocolate, Chai (No coffee for me, bleck!), etc. And I was reading a JIllian Michaels book, and she stressed drinking it. So I thought, what the hey! What do I have to lose (Except an extra 20lb, haha!) and went to the store. So many flavors, ahhh! Where to begin. So I just bought a few flavors - Black Cherry Vanilla, Cranberry Pomegranate, Acai Berry,Melon, Dragonfruit. At first I HATED the taste, but LOVED the smell... sooo. I kept trying. I finally grew to like it. A lot. :) Now I take 20oz thermos to work with me everyday full of hot green tea - without lemon, honey, or anything else. And I buy the boxes on sale by the crates practically. Gives me lots of flavors to chose from. Now that its nearing summer and warming up, I don't take it with me because I want something hot... It just helps me get my healthy fluid intake. I don't like plain water much, so I use my hot tea as part of my water intake, or switch between the tea and the water to just keep me drinking. But, I stopped working out and logging food (and probably eating more than I should have been) but kept up my green tea, and only gain 3lb back over the course of 4 months, and I think that was becase it kept me from snacking at work, because I could always reach for my tea instead.
  • fruitsalad15
    fruitsalad15 Posts: 102 Member
    I substitued Green tea for regular tea and so it's less calories because I had milk in regular tea and not in green tea! I now really like it! I don't think it particularly helped with weight loss in terms of a magic cure or anything but not having the calories in the milk did mean I could have other things where I saved on those!!

    I still have milk on cereal bu the amount of tea I used to drink was insane!!! I have office now and have to go down 6 floors in order to get hot water for tea or green tea so I only have 2 a day now though!
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I drink it! I don't know if it is helping with losing weight but I like it and it is a nice change up from water.