new frame of mind!

Hello all "losers"!
my wife and i just decided about 2 months ago to create a better way of living. It is not an easy process by NO means. With the temptation of disasterous foods and treats everywhere you LOOK! We have prevailed though. I, myself, have been using the "jarod" diet and go to the local sub shop and have a lean n mean turkey sammich with lo fat light mayo- NO CHEESE! and then portion, fat, and calorie control for any other place we eat. we do splurge every once in a while so we dont go crazy. Next is exercise...we started again, about 2 months ago barely able to go just 5 minutes on our elliptical and recumbant bike. NOW we go a full 30 to 40 about every other day. we need to crank it up a notch as far as time gows but we have an evening business that restricts that for now. We feel better, are looking better, and between us we have lost 50 POUNDS!!! i am so stoked about it I cannot wait to hit my goal of 240! Good luck to all of you with your journey and cheers to ALL! J.