At-home Workouts



  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I am on day 25 of power 90 and I am already into the second level (3-4) I have lost 7.5 lbs and 9.5 total inches in just 25 days.
    I began as the poster child for couch potatoes everywhere so if I can do it anyone can do this. This has both cardio and strength training in it and the instruction is wonderfully done , I did not feel intimidated at all and it was easy to learn.
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    Do you have a Wii? I love my EA Sports Active Personal Trainer 2 - it uses a resistance band and an HRM so you can actively see the effort you are putting in during your workout. There are a variety of options- I like the 9 week programme, the "game" sets you differing exercises each day, targeting different body areas and builds up nicely in effort and time over the 9 weeks!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Cream puff, I like that!! me too me too!

    I just started the Ten Minute Trainer program from Beach body.

    I like it, because if I can't get a full workout in, the least I can do is ten minutes. Apparently in ten minutes you burn as many calories as a 30 minute run.

    It's hard, but it's a different move every minute, so you only have to struggle though a minute.

    I highly recommend it. It's a good way to jumpstart yourself into a workout routine, and perfect if you don;t have a lot of time.

    Let me tell ya, I never knew I could sweat so much in ten minutes! LOL

    And of course, Tony Horton's dorkiness always lightens the mood :)

    Good luck!

    This is what I started with too (I have very limited time to work out). I now get up at 4 am to fit in a 30-45 minute workout every morning, but it was a great start!
  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    Try it is a free online workout that is adjustable to your level of fitness

    There is also I haven't tried this but I hear a lot of good things about it.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    For cream puffs (like I was starting out!) I recommend Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds. She's got a pack that includes the 1, 2 and 3 mile options and I recommend that pack. That way you can move up when you're ready. Great workouts and not too hard for the beginner. I lost 30 pounds doing these!
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    I bought a step at a yard sale and use it while I am watching TV.. I just make up my own routine and I really work up a sweat and do 30 minutes. I am now using the higher step and getting more out of the step...
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i found jillian michaels 30 day shred to be the perfect start up workout for me. i went on to do some of her other ones and 6 month later i am doing insanity. you can do it, work up to the harder workouts!
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    30 day shred is fantastic! Under 30 minutes and is very effective. You will be sore but she packs a full body workout in a short time. I have been using this every other to every 3rd day and running on the other days. It's been a great combo so far for me.
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    I'm starting with Turbo Jam,been doing it about 2 months and love it,anything by Chalene Johnson seems really great,think I'm gonna order Turob Fire next to up my workouts.
  • kryscallarman
    kryscallarman Posts: 114 Member
    I like:

    ChaLean Extreme
    Turbo Jam
    Windsor Pilates
    Jillian DVDs (she has a few)
  • cheree1969
    cheree1969 Posts: 98 Member
    Leslie Sansone Walk at Home. Its easy to follow, with different levels. I can't wait to get up to the five mile.
  • HeavenLeAngel127
    HeavenLeAngel127 Posts: 211 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred..... its 27 minutes of working out... 5 of those minutes are warm up and cool down. Its also very efficient and not crazy difficult.

    Jillian has a lot of dvd's and I finished her shred now I'm doing the six week 6 pack.

    Many of my family members are "shredding" with Jillian and all love it
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I like yoga. I have the Skinny Girl yoga DVD with Kristin McGee (a very popular yoga instructor). I actually use this as my "weight" training. It is difficult but I feel fantastic after I finish. There are many moves that use the arm and leg muscles to the point that my body feels like jello afterwards. I love it!
  • lizblizz28
    lizblizz28 Posts: 166
    I just recently started Be Fit in 90, its a free workout video series on YouTube and I love it.
    One thing that I did when I was COMPLETELY out of shape was Rodney Yee's Yoga for Beginners. It's a fantastic workout without being overly intense. It's relaxing and something I never got bored off.
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    Jennifer Nicole Lee has some awesome videos on her website. - then click on her "workout videos"

    LOVE THEM!!!
  • Annie_Fannie
    Do you have a Wii? I love my EA Sports Active Personal Trainer 2 - it uses a resistance band and an HRM so you can actively see the effort you are putting in during your workout. There are a variety of options- I like the 9 week programme, the "game" sets you differing exercises each day, targeting different body areas and builds up nicely in effort and time over the 9 weeks!

    This is also availabe for Ps3 if you have.. it is only $25 dollars at Amazon. This is a very fun workout. The workouts are unlimited! There are many preset workouts, but you can also create your own that range from full body or create to target a specific body part. Comes with a heart monitor and it records calories burned during your workout among many other things that can be tracked. Another plus, is you can incorporate your own music. I never get bored with it! You have many great suggestions, otherwise.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I agree also Leslie Sansone walking dvds are fantastic I began with those, I love her walk at home 5 mile fat burning walk which is my favorite and I usually burn over 400 calories during that, I have a few other of her dvds as well, they are great.
  • 3beesmomMelissa
    3beesmomMelissa Posts: 1 Member
    I started using the Nike Training Club App on my Iphone about 2 weeks ago. I do 30-45 min beginner workouts 4 days a week. I also have a heavy bag and some boxing gloves in my garage as well as a step with different heights risers. I warm up before the Nike Training with 10-15 mins alternating between the bag and the step. On the bag I do jabs, min hooks, uppercuts., etc. (with a boxing timer app also on my iphone) and then just stepping up and stepping down on the step to cool down but keep my heartrate up. I can totally relate to you. I am also slightly over 200. In the first two weeks with Nike, the bag and step and My Fitness Pal I am down 5 pounds and 3 inches. I love working out at home. I lock the garage door, crank the tunes and beat the heck outta my bag - SUCH a great stress reliever and pumps you up for the Nike workout too!! GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • Jensaystoyou
    Wow... I didn't think this would get so many responses! haha I have a lot of great suggestions and I see a lot of repeat suggestions. I might check those out first. Thanks, everyone! :)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Go to You can read reviews and watch clips from *hundreds* of exercise videos. They have all kinds of workouts (step, pilates, high-low, indoor walking, HIIT, dance-based, yoga, etc) for every different fitness level.

    I've had great luck finding lots of different challenging and fun workouts there!