

  • EbonySD
    EbonySD Posts: 142
    Mine are my vacations. I think it is unfair to myself and my vacation to go out of town and not enjoy the local fare. I try and count the calories just so I know how bad it is really, and I know that I do not typically "excercise" when I am out of town (I really don't count walking and tours and stuff).

    Agree - the only time I'll do an entire cheat day is if I'm vacationing or spending the entire day with extended family for a special occasion. Otherwise, its a cheat lunch or dinner only. I think you'll find that you can't fit much more than that in anyway - you'll be too full.
  • ShawnaCurley
    ShawnaCurley Posts: 82 Member
    I have a cheat meal on occasion. Like yesterday, I took my mom out to a Mexican restaraunt for Mother's day and indulged. But now I'm back to my healthy meals.

    I don't think anything is wrong with it!
  • luvsherhubby
    luvsherhubby Posts: 135 Member
    I also typically just have a cheat meal sometimes usualy 2-3 times a month, and i plan iot around going out to eat with the hubby or say a birthday dinner etc. I still dont overeat- but usually my calories for the day is at maintence. If you are trying to speed metabolism I would look into spike diet ( i dont do diets & dont recomend follwing the entire diet) but this has a lot of info on why spiking every once in a while boost your metabolism & how many cals to eat such info. I also occasionaly have a "drink" on my cheat days but i try to avoid alcohol at all costs.

    When you have your cheat day are you eating the rest of the day or only having crab legs and teas? You dont have to eat unhealthy foods to boost your metabalism and its probally the healthier the better. Dnt stuff yoruself with a 12" bujt if you wanted to eat more calories you could buy a 12 and eat 6 now and 6 later ect