One week of MFP losing weight but feeling weaker??

Hello MFPs

I have been logging into MFP for just over a week now. I have faithfully kept up w/ my caloric intake and logging my exercises.

I participate in a body-pump class 2-3 times a week, as well as various other exercises. This morning, I felt so weak (not in energy but strength). Any suggestions as to what is going on?

I have read some posts that have said to eat more calories but how do I adjust my goals/calories (if this is what is needed) so that I can still use the site and keep on track?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    If you could unlock your food diary - Im pretty sure there is a more involved issue at hand in addition to eating more calories...
  • goblynn
    goblynn Posts: 152
    just opened it. thank you
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Any reason why you dont eat enough vegetables? You dont have much of a variety to be honest...
  • goblynn
    goblynn Posts: 152
    I'm trying to use what I have at the house. Next week I hope to plan better. Do you think that will help?
  • goblynn
    goblynn Posts: 152
  • perfektfox
    perfektfox Posts: 8
    Track sodium. Do you sweat a lot when you exercise? I do and whenever I work out too hard and come in low on sodium, I have pronounced muscle fatigue within hours and/or the next day. Could be another electrolyte too - but sodium is my Achilles' heel.
  • GoalSixPack
    GoalSixPack Posts: 97
    I had the same thing happen too me when I first started. I would set your protien higher first. MFP has it very low. Do this by my home- goals- bottom of page is change goals. You can choose custom and mess with the settings. Keep us posted