Hi there :)

Well i'm pretty new here (joined about a week ago) and wanted to introduce myself. I currently weigh around 220 and i'm 24 years old. Not good! I have an auto-immune, neuromuscular disorder (Myasthenia Gravis) which is made worse by exercise so losing weight is harder than usual. Trying to eat healthily and lose the weight to feel better about myself after major surgery last year :)


  • MikMont
    MikMont Posts: 49 Member
    Hi there! im 26 but about the same weight. Does laziness count as an auto-immune disorder??? ok sorry for my bad joke! Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • Cazzimon
    Cazzimon Posts: 3
    Haha! It certainly feels like laziness some days ;) "fatigue" is a big symptom! Good luck with the weight loss :)
  • hollymurphy4
    hollymurphy4 Posts: 122
    I'm also new to the site. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck to you!