Quiestion about calorie alotment and exercise

I have a 1200 calorie per day goal. However, when I exercise my calorie allotment goes up, due to the amount of calories being used during exercise. Should I still stay on the 1200 calories even if I am burning 500 during my workout? I am a tad confuse about this.


  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    You should try to eat at least half of your exercise calories to keep your metabolism running at the highest rate possible.
  • lilmonita
    lilmonita Posts: 31
    I have a 1200 calorie per day goal. However, when I exercise my calorie allotment goes up, due to the amount of calories being used during exercise. Should I still stay on the 1200 calories even if I am burning 500 during my workout? I am a tad confuse about this.

    My personal opinion: stay with your allotment. If you need to readjust later, then readjust at that time.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Here is the way I explain it.

    When you go to another sight, they will ask you how much you are going to exercise, then give you a calorie allotment.

    I was given between 1500-1800 with the amount of exercise I do in a week. Now if I dont DO that exercise, and I eat 1800 calories I am not going to lose weight. See they assume you will actually do the exercise.

    With MFP you are given a base amount, and then you earn the addl calories by actually DOING it!

    It gave me incentive to exercise in the beginning and helped me to build good habits.

    You will see your exercise goals when you log in your exercise-to show you if you are hitting yoru goal or not.

    I hope this helps some!

    (and I dont eat all of my exericse cals now-but in the beginning I ate every last one and lost 31 pounds!!)