Doing it "wrong"???

So I have been a member on and off for a little while...I have also been at the same weight for the past year, yay for maintaining boo for not losing! I started researching BMR and found out what mine is and how many calories I should be eating to lose weight, 1 lb per week. My question is, should I be eating all of the calories that MFP has set for me, including my exercise calories? Or should I be creating my own 500 calorie deficit, meaning have 500 calories "uneaten" at the end of the day??? Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    MFP has a 500 calorie deficit programmed already. Like I would eat 2070 calories to maintain, but they show me 1570 to lose a pound a week. I usually don't eat my exercise calories but if I do, it'll only be about half of them. Most days I'd only eat 1300-1500 calories as I don't have as big of an appetite as I used to. Not sure if I'm the best role model for this, lol. If I'm doing it wrong too, let me know! I've been losing 1-2 pounds a week (and gaining a little back sometimes when I'm with friends) so I think I'm doing okay so far. :)
  • brentrhodes
    brentrhodes Posts: 139
    If you're under the MFP goal and eating several times through the day with good cals and carbs, you WILL lose weight. No need to create your own deficit really. Just try not to eat all MFP gives you and you'll be fine.

    I decided to not record my exercise, just my intake. I'm losing fat and building muscle while maintaining a cal deficit everyday.