Anybody (women) having hot flashes?



  • MonkRocker
    Was expecting yet another Sidesteel appreciation thread.

    Did not deliver.

  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    I had a complete hysterectomy in 2001 & took natural hormone replacement (bio identical) but recently moved and had to change doctors. This one immediately told me to wean off the hormones that any form of Estrogen is like Miracle Grow for cancer cells and that's something we ALL should be aware of and consider before taking it long term. I'm now completely off my hormones and having hot flashes for about 2 weeks now. I recently switched my GNC vitamin packs from Women's Ultra Active to the Menopause pack so I can't say they're working just yet but I will say, I think they're definitely lessening in severity.

    Edited to say: I take enough medications that I need and vitamins/supplements that taking yet another expensive pill for something that should happen naturally and will lessen over time isn't something for me.
  • Sparrow549
    Two weeks ago I started taking Saw Palmetto supplements and my hot flashes are nearly gone.
  • momlady6
    momlady6 Posts: 31 Member
    Feels like 24/7 sometimes ! It is sometimes that flush that goes from your chest to your face and then warm rush down your body- which I'm sure sometimes makes my face pink... And then sometimes I just feel endlessly hot for a day- when no one else seems to be too warm.

    I take the Genuine health Meno which is:
    Dong quai root (stnd. to 1% ligustilide) 250mg
    Chaste tree berry (0.5% agnuside) 250mg
    Dandelion root extract (4:1=500mg) 125mg
    Black Cohosh root extract (2.5% triterpene glycosides; 12:1 = 960mg) 80mg

    It helps - saw palmetto?? Hadn't heard that before - I think I will check it out.. And the I-cool... Thanks for new ideas!

    One thing I have found this year is getting into a cool pool for at least 20 minutes cools me down for a couple of hours- and on afew occasions during this hot summer I have gotten up and had a cool shower when I can't sleep- or I bring one of those chill packs with me to bed. ;)
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    i was the original poster of this topic and no one responded then, but I just saw where people had been posting! Since my original post back in May, a few things have changed. I had read about salt and sugar being a factor in having hot flashes, but I didn't really do anything about it. About a month ago, after purchasing a new scale, :sad: I realized I had to get on the ball and lose this weight. Anyway, I haven't had any hot flashes for a while, and I just realized it may have had something to do with the fact that I have cut out salty snacks and sweet stuff. I am not sure if that had anything to do with the lack of hot flashes or not, but if it did, I am very happy!:drinker: Someone had wondered where I am from, and what the climate is like. I live in Kentucky, and the weather this summer was absolutely horrible! I know other states had horrible weather as well; we weren't the only ones. Anyway, thanks ladies, I read every post, and felt like it was very helpful!