How do you guys deal with sore muscles



  • Miss♥Ivi
    Miss♥Ivi Posts: 461
    I'm in the same boat but mostly my shins. I did the ice bath on Sunday night and I could only dip my legs in it :laugh: The rest of me was NOT going in that tub! It definitely did help! That night I smelled like a nursing home; Bengay and Neosporin :laugh:

    But it gets worse when I'm resting. Getting the muscles warmed up with some stretching before starting my day has helped keep me loose since then. If the weather cooperates, I'll be doing some walking when I get home. Tomorrow, tennis! Gotta keep it moving!
  • EvanAube
    EvanAube Posts: 3
    I have been fighting off sore muscles with a protein shake right after training and then some stretching. Focussing more on the stretching this year has helped a lot compared to last year when I just let the protein and rest do the work.

    One thing I just picked up from a local supplement shop owner this week, one that I find counter-intuitive...he said that my recovery will be quicker if I have carbs and protein at a 2:1 ratio after training, and also said that some athletes are going 4:1!

    Anyone else have experience this?
  • Shfiftyfive
    Shfiftyfive Posts: 261
    foam rolling, stretching, fish oil, and adequate protein intake.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    One thing I just picked up from a local supplement shop owner this week, one that I find counter-intuitive...he said that my recovery will be quicker if I have carbs and protein at a 2:1 ratio after training, and also said that some athletes are going 4:1!

    Anyone else have experience this?

    Not in terms of sore muscles, but my endurance is better at 4:1 (the sports drink I make is 4:1). Though, to be honest, I don't know if that's the 4:1, or just the added cals over your basic gatorade or whatever.