New Here from CT

Hi! I'm new here, I'm a 41 year old working mom who has just started out in the weight loss/fitness world. My DS is 12 years old. I started gaining weight 2 1/2 years ago when I was diagnosed with a kidney disease and throught this battle I was on dialysis, 80 mgs of steroids per day. I'm about 30 - 40 lbs over what I was at before I got sick (thank God I was not at my peak of over 200 lbs!). I know getting that body back may not be 100% certain but I just want to fit into my clothes I wore before this nightmare started. I joined a gym and I have set my goal and am watching what I eat (tracking it here of course!). I'm pretty out of shape due to this disease, it affected my blood pressure, my BP would go so low that my doctor couldn't find it a few times and I was really scared to do anything that may cause a spell. Well thanks for listening!!