Starting Insanity Today!



  • fatbutgettingthinner
    fatbutgettingthinner Posts: 38 Member
    yesterday was my fit test so im starting today! anyone have any tips on what they are eating? how much etc? everyone keeps saying to eat more calories and mfp says to eat 1200 a day to lose weight. how much are you guys eating? are u guys following the harris benedict equation to calculate your intake? because if i do that, my caloric intake needs are 1800-1900! im hoping i dont go overboard with this cuz eating a lot is already the root of the problem!

    also, id like to know if any of you bought extra protein powder or the recovery shake?

    sorry i have so many questions im just a little misguided.


    I didn't buy the shakeology stuff - no need really. Just eat ENOUGH and FREQUENTLY. I now think of my body as a furnace. If you don't put enough coal in...

    Also, the best recovery shake is a chocolate milk and a banana, which has a 4:1 carb protein ratio. Google "Chocolate Reocvery"