DESK JOB........ I feel FAT!!



  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Desk jobs suck.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    How about a stand-up desk? (wear comfortable shoes) Stand up while and, maybe, walk in place, when you take/make a phone call? Stay on your feet as much as possible!
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    I have a desk job, and 1 hour lunch. I spend 30 hour of that running. I also do workouts before and sometimes after work. The key is to move as much as possible. Walk on your mini breaks, park far out instead of close ot the door. Do crunches in your chair. There are a few things you can do. Google "seated exercises" for more things you can do while actually sitting.
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    Yep, desk job here as well. It's hard my last several jobs before my current ones I was very active, running around, etc. Now I am literally stuck for 8 hours a day.

    I do drink a ton of water (if anything that gets me up to go to the bathroom), and take walks on my lunch break, and I do walk both to and from work (luckily I have that option).

    Just exercise more than you normally would need to and watch the food intake! Good luck!

    Oh there is a group on here for us, called "Sitting Down on the Job"
  • Tonya0605
    Tonya0605 Posts: 111 Member
    Same here...desk job from 9-5. I've started walking at lunch for at least 30 mins., too. That equates to just over 1/2 mile. If I pick up the pace I could do a mile in that same amount of time. I also park exactly one mile from my building so I walk to my car in the afternoons too, unless I'm in a hurry to get to my next destination, then I ride the shuttle. So I figure I can get in at least 1.5 miles every day w/o even really trying......
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    I gained a few pounds when starting up an office job but that was nearly 5 years ago and I haven't gained much since. I sort of leveled out! But I do feel you. Some days I will go out after lunch and walk next to the river for the last bit of my lunch break, just to get moving.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    Yes! and I hate sitting all day long. I try to go for walks as much as possible and do desk exercises a few time through the day to keep me awake. I also bring my lunch so I know that I am eating right.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Desk job + STRESS = 60 extra lbs of me...

    I've got half my office doing this with me:

    Every half hour, it gives you something to do, like a stretch or an exercise. Takes 30-90 seconds. Super easy to add a bit of activity to your desk job, but it's a definite plus to have someone else doing it too, because otherwise you may feel a little silly. My boss makes fun of us, but with 3 of us doing it all at once, it's no big deal. (Though he told us to make sure we didn't tell the CFO, because he might make it a company mandate to improve our health insurance premiums. I think that'd be awesome!)

    I have a list of chair/desk stretches posted next to my desk - which helps. But, that site looks awesome! I just signed up. :)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    sounds like somewhat of an excuse to me--I mean I've been a student sitting for 6 hours a day for the past what...17 years? Then I used to go and sit even more at work--never was a problem.

    desk jobs make it harder to burn extra calories but workouts are not the PRIMARY source of caloric expenditure anyhow--THEY merely help a bit with balancing out the overeating due to stress.

    Really the best thing you can do is increase the intensity of your workouts when you do get a chance (thereby giving you an afterburn and further building muscle), eat in a way that is sustainable for the long haul (no fad diets), and find ways to circumvent stress eating!
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    I hate being tied to my desk all day long, with the exception of my lunch break. I try to get up as much as possible. I do stretches and simple exercises while at my desk. I even have a stride cycle under my desk and use it several times a week. :)

    Being sedentary can definitely take it's toll on our fitness level and weight...but that's what makes being active when we are away from our desks so important. :)
  • pearceda
    pearceda Posts: 29 Member
    I am at a desk most of the day, along with an hour commute each way. I used to be pretty active in high school and University and then I had a job that kept me on my feet most of the day so I could maintain my weight. Once I switched to a desk the pounds started to go on. I now try and concetrate on things I can control. Stand up whenever possible (when talking on the phone, when someone comes in to chat, etc). Take short walks whenever possible( I walk to a colleague's office instead of calling). I pack a healthy lunch instead of eating out. I try and walk on lunch break for30 minutes. Most important don't eat at your desk....not even is too easy to keep snaking all day if you are not careful. I am down over 40 pounds from my heaviest, so a desk job is not counter productive to losing weight, we just have to work harder at it than someone who is more active in their profession.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Why do people bother doing "simple exercises or stretches"? Like that is really going to burn many calories. If you've only got a few mins or even seconds to anything might as well go all out and do some squats or thrusters with some weight, like your chair with books or other weight on top of that.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Yes I'm in the office. You SO don't look fat! I don't know why you feel fat because I would love to have your figure!
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    I'm struggling a lot being back in a desk job after a few months of being able to walk for hours every day. Also, as someone mentioned earlier, I'm travelling a lot for work (2 hour commute each way some days) and have no routine - last week was work from home four days, this week I'll be out driving about and meeting people all week.

    I found it much easier when I was stuck in an office all day and I could just eat what I'd brought with me. (and I walked part of the way to and from work). My new job has a culture of all stopping for toast and jam at 11am and all sitting in the lunchroom during lunchtime. People don't go out and walk etc. I could not eat toast and go and walk if I wanted to stick out... Hopefully I can settle down and sort myself out very soon!
  • Annie_Fannie
    Yep, I am a victim of the "office butt". Of course a desk job, won't make you gain weight, but the inactivity all day can leave you feeling a little sluggish. I do try to my best to work out before work so I don't wind up missing one by not doing in the evening. Snacking comes so easy in an office with co-workers having tempting goodies, etc. I always bring celery and carrots to work along with sugargree gum. And...don't laugh... squats in the ladies room a couple times a day to get my blood flowing!
  • Davy_RockHit
    I have an office without a window... constantly moaning about no window and always sitting...OH and I am on a break right now so I better get out of here and take a quick walk, I need the sunshine!!!!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Do squats in the restroom stall. Hands on your head. Knees over ankles. Try to keep your back straight.

    Do 20 every time you go to the restroom, which should be a lot of you're drinking enough water....

    Just don't fall backwards. :)
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    I feel you!! I work 8:30-5:30 and of course I sit at a desk all day. I'm having a rough day today.....I feel so heavy and I feel like my belly is hanging over my pants!!
  • taintedbutterfly18
    taintedbutterfly18 Posts: 189 Member
    I work 8-5 everyday. I gained 40 lbs from my desk job and having to be on prednisone for my disease. i have taken off 26 lbs in the last 2 years, but need to lose about 15-20 more, but it is so hard having a desk job. I am eating lots better and am quite active at the gym after work, but sitting all day does not help move things faster!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Do squats in the restroom stall. Hands on your head. Knees over ankles. Try to keep your back straight.

    Do 20 every time you go to the restroom, which should be a lot of you're drinking enough water....

    Just don't fall backwards. :)

    I have no idea why this didn't occur to me to do....but i'm going to now!!! That would seriously help the restless feeling in my legs a lot more than trying to stretch while i'm sitting!